高级英语试题10套 下载本文

3. …four or five thousand men in all, winding up the road with a clumping of boots and a clatter of iron wheels.

4. There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear.

5. Petey lay snoring in his bed, the raccoon coat huddled like a great hairy beast at his feet.

6. The effect of the ugly stadium with an impossible yellow penthouse is that of a fat woman with a black eye. 7. The country itself is not uncomely.

8. When we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep — but forever.

9. And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. 10.We felt strong, smug, secure.


I. Vocabulary (30%) (1分1题) Section 1 1. whipped 2. cowered 3. warped 4. mummified 5. twopence 6. squashed 7. at odds 8. contingent Section 2 1. raised

2. looked down upon 3. pleasant-looking 4. tendency 5. insecurely 6. rotting 7. sheltered 8. scorn 9. covered

10. narrow-minded 11. exhausting 12. set free 13. fights

9. host

10. distinction 11. recollections 12. adjunct 13. room

14. flattered 15. belligerent

14. trait

15. unpleasant

II. Paraphrase (20%) (2分1题) 2. The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds

of earth looking a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

3. Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews

rushed out wildly excited.

4. Bar friends, although they met each other frequently did not delve into each

other’s lives or the recesses of their thoughts and feelings. 5. This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.

6. It is not a matter of interest if they are cross or in a bad temper.

7. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view. 8. But somehow in the past I never really perceived how shocking and wretched this

whole region was.

9. This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot

appear as a ghastly, saddening joke.

10. The country itself is pleasant to look at, despite the sooty dirt spread by

the innumerable mills in this region.

11. The young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns

or their families.

III. Translation (20%) (2分1题)

1. 我撕下一块面包,他感激地把面包放进破衣裳贴身的地方。 2. 于是话题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯转到12世纪的英国农民。

3. 只要我们团结起来,我们在许多合作性事业中就会无往而不胜;而一旦彼此分裂,我们


4. 我们决不能因为惧怕而谈判,但我们也决不要惧怕谈判。

5. 这儿的景色丑陋得这样可怕,以致人的报复和壮志在这儿成了令人毛骨悚然的、令人


6. For people living in this poor area, their life generation after generation has been to wring a little food out of this eroded area. 7. Tim’s marriage is on the rocks.

8. What punishment does the law prescribe for taking bribes? 9. He tried to outpace his opponent but failed.

10.He already had the makings of an artist from childhood. He was born with the makings of an artist.

IV. Figure of speech (10%)(1分1题) 11. personification 12. metaphor 13. onomatopoeia 14. synecdoche 15. simile 16. metaphor

17. litotes 18. euphemism 19. antithesis 20. alliteration

Test Three

I. Vocabulary (30%)

Section 1: From the list of words at the top, select the correct word or phrase for each blank space. Use each word or phrase only once (15%).

skin and bones erectness agonizing marooned

1. The children huddled in the ________ rain within the circle of adults. 2. They came to ________ the storm with the Koshaks.

3. With two walls in their bedroom _________ beginning to disintegrate, John ordered everyone to leave.

4. The generator was _________, and the lights were out.

5. Then for the first time I noticed the poor old bodies reduced to ________.

6. The enlistment craze continued _________. 7. One wall began crumbling on the _________ group.

8. What they had wanted was an America more sensitive to art and less _______________standardization.

9. Many other novelists, dramatists, poets, and critics directed sad and bitter _______ at their native land.

10.She had an _________ of carriage, an ease of bearing.

11.However intricate they ways in which animals communicate with each other, they do not ___________ anything that deserves the name of conversation.

12.I have whirled through the malarious tidewater ________ of Goergia. 13.The taste for them is as enigmatical and yet as common as the taste for ___________ theology.

14.What I allude to is the unbroken and __________ ugliness

sit out

indulge in

susceptible to

slashing blasts



unabated doused

dogmatic unfathomable

15.They meet, in some _____________ ways, its obscure and unintelligible demands.

Section 2: From the list of words at the top, select the correct synonym for the underlined words or phrase in each sentence (15%)

depression condition disappeared troubled

1. The plight of the human beings makes one’s blood boil. 2. The men methodically prepared for the hurricane. 3. Grandmother Koshak implored, “Children, let’s sing”.

4. Business was suffering a recession that prevented the opening up of new jobs.

5. We can prop up that mattress with our heads and shoulders. 6. The novelists flayed the Babbitts but loved their country. 7. It arises and flourishes in obedience to biological laws.

8. So tremendous was the storming of recruitment centers that harassed sergeants actually pleased with volunteers to go home.

9. The spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high military adventure were soon dissipated.

10.We had reached an international stature that would forever prevent us from retreating behind the artificial walls of a provincial morality. 11.The innumerable artists could never be written off as sterile. 12.They made the stadium perfect in their own sight by putting a completely impossible penthouse, painted a starring yellow.

13.The same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

14.I have seen the mill towns of decomposing New England and the desert of Utah.

15.They show grotesqueries of ugliness that, in retrospect, become almost diabolical.


criticized fiendish unbearable



according to narrow

set down

