高考调研新课标英语必修四单元卷2高考调研精讲精练 下载本文

【文章大意】 本文选自一篇成功学的演讲稿。演讲人给出了成功的三个秘诀:不受他人看法的左右、展现你的真诚和拥有乐观心态。 28. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“unbelievable happiness comes from a self-belief that’s not controlled by people’s opinions of you”可知,难以置信的幸福来自于不受他人看法所左右的自我信念。B项与此句构成同义转述。 29. 答案 D

解析 词义猜测题。根据与之构成并列关系的下文“I’m a good boy”可知被否定的前文“a snake oil salesman”是个贬义词,唯有D项是贬义的,故选D项。 30. 答案 D

解析 逻辑判断题。根据第三段第三句“It’s hard being an entrepreneur(企业家)”和倒数第二句“Everything I don’t achieve is my fault.”可知,本段讲述了作为企业家的不易和自己的得失,据此可以判断作者是个实业家。而文章三个段落的首句在分享自己成功的经验,据此可以判断作者是成功的,故选D项。 31. 答案 A

解析 逻辑判断题。根据三个段落的首句可知,本文在分享自己成功的经验,据此可以推断,文章可能选自演讲稿。故选A项。

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has launched a school to teach computer science and technology-related skills. Wozniak last week announced creation of what is being called an online university, known as Woz U. In the beginning, Woz U will only offer classes through electronic devices connected to computers. Later, the school plans to open up classrooms in more than 30 cities so students can attend in person.

Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer, with Steve Jobs, in 1976. They developed and hand-built the company’s first computer, the Apple I, mainly working in Jobs’ home. The following year, Wozniak designed the Apple II, which marked a revolution in computer design and development. The Apple II became the world’s first successfully mass-produced personal computer.

Steve Wozniak left Apple in 1985. He has said he left because he did not agree with some of the company’s business goals at the time. Since then, he has been involved with several other technology companies. Now Wozniak is teaming up with a for-profit company to provide programs for students interested in learning about technology.

“Our goal is to educate and train people in employable digital skills

without putting them into years of debt,” Wozniak said in a statement. He added his goal is to inspire and prepare “the next generation of innovators” to join the workforce of the future.

Woz U currently offers training in software development and computer support. The school plans to add several other subjects in 2018. Students who finish the programs will receive a certificate of completion upon graduation. Wozniak says the school will also work with technology companies to help them identify new workers and train the ones they already have.

32. How do students learn computer science in Wozniak’s school at present?

A. By online learning.

B. By attending classes in person. C. By means of practising in companies.

D. By having face-to-face interactions with professors. 33. Why did Wozniak leave Apple?

A. Because he determined to do education public service. B. Because he had disagreements with the company’s goals. C. Because he wanted to build a for-profit company of his own. D. Because there is a larger place to run a private university. 34. Which of the following can not be learnt in Wozniak’s school? A. Technology-related skills. B. Software development. C. Computer support. D. Animation design.

35. What’s the best title of the passage? A. The Rising of Private Universities

B. Apple Inc Is Losing More and More Talents C. Steve Wozniak, a Great Computer Genius

D. Apple Co-Founder Launches Technology School 答案与解析

【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了前苹果公司的共同创始人之一史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克创建学校培养计算机人才。他的目标是为激发并培养下一代创新者,让他们加入到未来的队伍中去。 32. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Wozniak last week announced creation of what is being called an online university, known as Woz U. In the beginning, Woz U will only offer classes through electronic devices connected to computers.”可知,目前学生学习的方式是远程网络学习,故A项正确。 33. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Steve Wozniak left Apple in 1985. He has said he left because he did not agree with some of the company’s business goals at the time.”的表述可知,史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克离开苹果公司的原因是他与公司的发展目标定位产生的一些分歧,故B项正确。 34. 答案 D

解析 判断推理题。根据文章第一段“... to teach computer science and technology-related skills.”和尾段的“Woz U currently offers training in