《功夫熊猫1》中英文台词对照 下载本文

大家怎么了?! Five? Fives!

他们死了吗? They're dead.

不! 他们还在呼吸 No, they are breathing. 他们睡着了吗? They're asleep?

不! 他们还睁着眼 No, their eyes are open. 我们不是他的对手...被点穴了 We were no match for his nerve attack. 他比以前更强了 He has gotten stronger. 太郎? 更强了? Tai Lung? Stronger! 他出招太快了 对不起! 阿波~ He's too fast. Sorry, Po.

我以为我们能阻止他 I thought we could stop him. 他本来可以杀了你们的 那为什么没杀呢? He could have kill you. Why didn't he? 放你们回来 好让我们害怕

So you can come back here...and strike fear into our hearts. 但..没..用..的 But it won't work. 有点用...我是说 有点...我还真蛮怕的 It might. I mean a little. I'm pretty scared. 你可以打败他 熊猫 You can defeat him, Panda. 您开玩笑的吧? 他们都打不赢! 他们是高手 而我只是一个初学者

Are you kidding? If they can't... They're Five Masters. I'm just one me.

但有一样东西 只有你才会拥有

But you have the one thing that no one else does, 你真的相信我准备好了? You really believe I'm ready. 是的! 阿波 You are, Po.

看! 龙之典 是你的了 Behold, the Dragon Scroll. It is yours.

等等...我看了后会怎么样? Wait. What happens when I read it? 没人知道... No one knows.


But legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wings beat. 哦? 真的?

Wow! Really? That's cool. 酷! Yes!

是的 深处洞穴亦能见光 宛若宇宙环绕周围 And see light in the deepest cave.

You will feel the universe in motion around you. 哇! 那我能打穿墙壁吗? 我能连坐四个后空翻吗? Wow! Can I punch through walls? Can I do a quadruple back flip? 集中注意力~集中注意力~集中注意力 Focus. Focus. Focus! 哦! 好的 好的 Oh, ya...yah.

读吧 阿波 完成你的使命 Read it Po. And fulfill your destiny. 读吧 成为真正的龙斗士

Read it and become the Dragon Warrior. 哇! Wow...! 太难打开了

It's impossible to open.

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拜托 谢了 我应该是已经快打开了呢 Thank you. Probably, loosen it up for you. 咳咳 好了 开始了 Okay, here goes. Aargh...!

空白的 It's blank. 什么? What? 给你看看 Here, look.

不! 我是不能看的 No, I am forbidden to look upon it. 空白? 我不...我不明白 Blank! I don't...I don't understand. 好吧 Okay. 那是乌龟故弄玄虚喽?

So like Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all. 龟仙人是智者 No. Oogway was wiser than us all. 拜托 面对现实吧 Oh, come on. Face it. 它挑上我都是阴错阳差 He picked me by accident. 我当然不是龙斗士了 开什么玩笑

Of course I'm not Dragon Warrior. Who am I kidding? 那谁才能阻止太郎? But who will stop Tai Lung? 他会毁了一切 杀了所有人的

He will destroy everything. And everyone. 不! 疏散山谷里的人

你们必须要保护村民不受太郎的伤害 No.

Evacuate the Valley. You must protect the villagers... from Tai Lung's rage. 那师父你怎么办? 我和他打

What about you, Master?

I will fight him. 什么? What?

我会把他拖住 好让所有人都安全撤离

I can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape. 师父 他会杀了你的 But Shifu, he'll kill you. 那便是我犯错的代价终得偿还

Then I would have finally paid for my mistake. 徒儿们 从今以后 你们便要独自战斗

Listen to me, all of you. It's time for you to continue your journey without me. 做你们的师父 我很骄傲

I am very proud to have been your master. 我们必须让大家安全撤离 We got to get them out safely. 来吧 小家伙 我们去找妈妈 Come little one, let's find your Mama. 小龙 去南边的农田

Viper, gather the southern farmers. 小刀 北边 Mantis, the north. 小鹤 照明 Crane, light the way. 看啊 这不是龙斗士吗 Look, it's the Dragon Warrior. 嗨! 老爸 Hey Dad. 阿波 Po!


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It's good to have you back son. 回来真好 我们走吧 阿波 Good to be back. Let's go Po.

是该好好构想我们下一家店了 用虾和蔬菜佐料 不再切末了

For our next shop, it's time to face it. The future of noodles is diced cut vegetables. No longer slices. 我还在想

Also, I was thinking...


... maybe this time we'll have a kitchen you can stand up in. 怎样 喜欢吗? Hmm! You like that?

阿波啊 天不随人愿 况且这本不是天意

Po, I'm sorry things didn't work out. It just wasn't meant to be.

阿波啊 别想其它的了 你的命运在一直都在向你招手 Po, forget everything else. Your destiny still awaits. 我们是面条家族 血管里流的可是面汤啊!

We are noodle-folk. Broth runs deep through our veins. 我可不确定啊...老爸 I don't know dad.

说实话 有时候我都不敢相信我真是您儿子 Honestly, sometimes I can't believe I'm your son. 阿波 是时候告诉你了 我应该早就跟你说的

Po, I think it's time I told you something I should have told you... ... a long time ago. 说吧 Okay.


The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup... 哦! Ohh...

过来点 食材就是...啥都没有 The secret ingredient is... Nothing! 啊? Hah?...

你听见了哦! 啥都没有! 根本就没有什么神秘配方 But you heard me. Nothing! There is no secret ingredient. 等等 就只是普通的汤? 你没有加特别的作料进去? Wait, wait. It's just plain old noodle soup. You don't add some kind of special sauce or something. 没必要 认为它特别 它就特别了

Don't have to. To make something special... ...you just have to believe it is special.

没有神秘配方? 我回家了 师父

There is no secret ingredient. I have come home, Master. 这不再是你的家 我也不再是你师父

This is no longer your home and I am no longer your master.

是啊! 你有新宠了

Yes, you have a new favourite. 那个阿波呢? 在哪? So where is this Po? 是不是被我吓跑了呀? Did I scare him off? 这场战斗是我和你之间的 This battle is between you and me. 一定要这样吗 必须如此 So that's how it's going to be. That is how it must be.

- 23 -

因为你的懦弱 我在监狱里待了20年

I rotted in jail for 20 years... ...because of your weakness! Obeying your master is not weakness!

我是武学宗师 不是懦夫 你知道 我才是龙斗士 You knew I was the Dragon Warrior!

你一直都知道 但当乌龟拒绝我的时候你做什么了? You always knew. But when Oogway said otherwise... What did you do? 你做什么了?! What did you do! 什么都没做 Nothing!

你不是注定的龙斗士 这不是我的错 You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior. That was not my fault!

不是你的错? 那是谁让我梦想破灭? 是谁让我经受了炼狱式的训练?

Not your fault! Who failed my every dream? Who told we should train until my bones cracked? 是谁决定了我的命运? Who denied me my destiny?!! 从来都不是我能决定的 It was never my decision to make! 现在是了 It is now. 给我龙之典 Give me the Scroll. 我宁愿死 I would rather die!

我所做的一切 都是为了让您为我骄傲 What I ever did, I did to make you proud!

告诉我您有多为我骄傲 师父 Tell me how proud you are Shifu? 说啊 告诉我! Tell me! Tell me!

我一直都为你骄傲 一如既往 始终为你骄傲

I...I have always been proud of you. From the first moment I have been proud of you. 但就是这份骄傲和自豪 蒙住了我的双眼 And it was my pride that blinded me. 因为我太爱你了 却让你走上了邪路

I love you too much to see what you were becoming. 是我把你变成了现在的样子 对不起..... What I was turning you into. I'm... I'm sorry.

不需要你道歉 我要我的龙之典

I don't want your apology. I want my Scroll. 什么? 它在哪呢? What? Where is it?


Dragon Warrior has taken Scroll half way across China by now.

你永远也不会看到龙之典! 永远...

You will never see that Scroll, Tai Lung! Never! 嗨! Hey!

可恨的楼梯啊! ...Stairs. 你是谁? Who are you? 兄弟 我就是龙斗士

Buddy... I am the Dragon Warrior.

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