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Ⅰ. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that

would best complete the statement. (1分 x 20题 = 20 分) II. Fill in the blanks. (1分 x 10题 = 10 分)


The colonial history of the United States refers to the history of the land from the start of European settlement to the time of __________________from Europe, and especially to the history of the thirteen colonies of Britain which declared themselves independent in 1776. independence 2.

The first writings that we call American were the narratives叙xu\\事\\作\\品and ______________of the early settlements移民. journal日记 3.

The first English permanent settlement---______________ --- in North America was set up in 1607. Jamestown 4.

The May Flower 五月花 (the ship in which the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to Massachusetts in 1620 ) arrived in December 1620 with 102 Puritan pilgrims on board 在船上 who came to the New World in search of religious freedom. The ship headed for Jamestown, but strong wind drove her to what is now Princeton Harbor and another settlement the ______________ was established. Plymouth Colony 1620年12月,―五月花号‖承载着102名清教徒来到了这片新大陆寻找宗教自由。\五月花号\的目的地是詹姆斯敦,但强风使她偏离了航线, 最后来到了今天的普林斯顿港口,在此清教徒们建立了第二个殖民点:普利茅斯殖民点。 5.

The war between the English government and the colonies broke out in September, 1775, and came to an end in October, 1781, with Gornwallis's encircled army surrendering to General Washington. The triumph of the war by the colonists brought into being an ______________, the United States, in 1783. independent nation 6.

Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in ______ and Thoreau. Emerson


7. The May Flower arrived in December 1620 with 102 Puritan pilgrims on board who came to the New World in search of religious freedom. The ship headed for Jamestown but strong wind drove her to what is now Princeton Harbor and another settlement ______________ was established. the Plymouth Colony 8. The most influential religious thought of this period was the Puritanism which is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. During the reign of Elizabeth I , one of the sects教派 of Puritans separated from the Protestants 新教徒 and after much persecution they took refuge in the Netherlands. They finally determined to immigrate to the New World in search of ______________. religious freedom

9. Writers of the colonial period were mostly ______________. They wrote about their voyages to the New World, about adapting to the new circumstances, about farming and hunting, and about their dealing with the Indians. They also wrote about political and religious matters, and about their dreams of the vast land which stretched before them. In their writings, the history of early America, especially in New England, was filled with references to The Bible and God's will. Everything could be explained from the religious perspective: storms and sickness might represent God's wrath; a good harvest might signify God's blessing. European immigrants 10. Thomas Jefferson is remembered as the author of The Declaration of Independence (1776). He is considered a true_________________ and one of the founders of the United States. He is the third President of the United States (1801 -1809). Enlightenment thinker 11. The English colonies殖民地人民in North America rose in arms against their parent country and the continental congress adopted批准_________________in 1776. The Declaration of Independence

12. Thomas Paine was very active in the cause of American Revolution and gained the title of __________________________, which showed his contribution. The Father of American Revolution 13.

In American literature, the 18th century was the age of Enlightenment. ________________was the dominant. Rationalism


14. John Smith (1580-1631) was remembered for his role in establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America at________________, Virginia. With the greater part of his letter being published in 1608, John Smith was regarded as the first American writer. Jamestown 15. William Bradford was on the Mayflower, landed at Plymouth at the age of 30 and was elected the first governor of the colony. He is chiefly remembered as the author of ________________. The History of Plymouth Plantation 16. John Winthrop was elected governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony before they arrived there and he became a leader of the settlers throughout the remaining years of his life. The journals that he kept as the colonial official were published as ________________. The History of New England 17. Anne Dudley Bradstreet, an American poet, came from England with her husband Simon Bradstreet to the Massachusetts Bay Colony of North America at the age of eighteen in 1630. As the mother of eight children, she was kept busy by house-keeping, but she was not contented and tried her hand at poetry. In 1650, her first collection of poems was published, which was entitled _____________________. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America在1650年,约翰·伍德布里奇牧师替安妮用―美国的一位淑女‖的名字出版了名为《出现在美国的第十个缪斯》的诗集,这使得安妮成为了英国和美国第一位出版诗作的女诗人。

18. _______ is father of the detective story 侦探小说and of psychoanalytic 心理分析批评criticism. Edgar Allan Poe 19. 20.

What did Fitzgerald call the 1920s? ________. The Jazz Age Mark Twain was a representative of ________ in American literature. local colorism 21. _____________ is a novel about how a group of people on a whaling ship 捕bu鲸船 kill a great whale but themselves are killed by the whale, with the conflict between man and his fate. Moby-Dick

22. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more ____________. Pessimistic


23. The short story ―Rip Van Winkle里普·万·温克尔(美国作家欧文所写一篇故事名及其主人公) ‖ reveals the _______________ attitude of its author. Conservative 24. Which of the following statements about O. Henry is NOT right? _______________ The plots are usually clumsy 情节复杂难懂、文体臃肿.

25. William Faulkner’s works mainly concern the American______________. South 26. The colonial literature is rich ______________. The reason is self-evident if we bear in mind that they were almost all religious people --- Puritans. in religious color 27. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that was originated from France. The movement attracted widespread support from all progressive forces of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century. The Enlightenment advocates hold that man need not wait for God's grace to perfect him in heaven, but can attain the perfection on earth by trusting reason and scientific experiments. Therefore, the Enlightenment is sometimes called ______________. the Age of Reason

28. ______________ is NOT a fictional虚构人物 character in The Scarlet Letter. Santiago 29. During the period after the Civil War, the American society entered in what Mark Twain referred to as ___________. the Gilded Age (1873年,马克·吐温出版了小说《镀金时代》。从此,人们用这个词来形容,从南北战争结束到20世纪初的那一段美国历史。南北战争为美国资本主义发展扫清了道路,加上不断涌入的移民和西部新发现的矿藏,这一切使得美国的工业化极速发展,国家财富迅速增长。到20世纪初,美国已经是世界上最强的工业国之一了。)

30. In Leaves of Grass, ____________ is all that concerned Whitman. individualism, freedom, democracy

31. In American literature the first important writer who earned an international fame on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is_______________. Washington Irving

32. ―Two roads diverged in yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both…‖ In the above two lines of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication,