【英语】浙江省台州中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第二次统练(解析版) 下载本文



推理判断题。根据Mario每次跟同学交换午餐前的描述Mario sighed. He always had peanut butter and jell…Mario wrinkled his nose and quickly closed the bag…. But when he looked into the bag, he frowned. What a disappointment!可知,Mario多次跟同学交换午餐是因为对自己的午餐不满意。故A选项正确。


推理判断题。根据第九段中的The pizza was hard. He could hit a home run with pizza that hard.(比萨饼很硬。他可以用硬的披萨打出全垒打。)可知,作者将Mario的披萨比喻成了棒球。故B选项正确。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Mario ate it anyway. And it was delicious.(马里奥还是吃了它。它很美味。)可推知,作者想要告诉我们应该满足于我们所拥有的东西,它们并没有想象的那样糟糕。故B选项正确。


An article describing the attitude of post-1990s generations toward life has recently gone viral on Chinese social media, which resonates with(引起共鸣) millions of youngsters for reflecting their casualness and calmness under gradually increasing social pressure.

The article was first published on WeChat with the title of “The first group of post-90s generation who have become monks”. By using the phrase “Buddha-like youngsters”(佛系青年), it claimed that some of the post-90s generations, who were born between 1990 and 1992, have “seen through the emptiness of life” and kept a casual and calm attitude toward career and life.

“It's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything,\article, while defining \the religion of Buddhism. An easy example is that Buddha-like youngsters do not care about taking which way to return home or choosing what to eat for lunch, according to the article.

The phrase has touched the nerves of the Chinese youngsters who are facing the fast-paced life, cut-throat world of career and great mental pressure in China, read a commentary by People's Daily on Wednesday. The phrase was well received by Chinese netizens; the original WeChat post has been viewed by more than 1 million times and then read more than 60 million times on SinaWeibo by Wednesday.

“The phrase properly describes the mentalities and lifestyle of (some of) the post-90s generations in China, who have become less ambitious and more casual toward life due to the great pressure and fierce competition in today's China”, one SinaWeibo user commented.

Are you a Buddha-like youngster?

4. The underlined phrase “gone viral” in Paragraph 1 means \. A. spread quickly C. appeared secretly

B. been clearly explained D. been completely confirmed

5. According to the text, \A. get used to life stress

B. struggle hard for their future

C. attach much importance to fame D. take a casual attitude toward competition 6. The author shows that the phrase “Buddha-like youngsters” was well received __________.

A. by offering definition C. by using figures

B. by making comparisons D. by giving examples

【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 【解析】



词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句后半句which resonates with(引起共鸣) millions of youngsters for reflecting their casualness and calmness under gradually increasing social pressure.(这引起了数百万年轻人的共鸣因为他们在逐渐增加的社会压力下反映了他们的随意和冷静)可推知,这篇文章应该是在中国社交媒体上被疯狂地传播。A. spread quickly迅

速传播;B. been clearly explained清楚地解释;C. appeared secretly秘密出现;D. been completely confirmed完全被证实。故A选项正确。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The phrase properly describes the mentalities and lifestyle of (some of) the post-90s generations in China, who have become less ambitious and more casual toward life due to the great pressure and fierce competition in today's China”, one SinaWeibo user commented.(这句话恰当地描述了中国90后一代人的心态和生活方式,他们由于当今中国的巨大压力和激烈竞争而变得不那么雄心勃勃,对生活更加随意。”)可推知,这些“佛系青年”可能对竞争持一种漫不经心的态度。故D选项正确。


推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的the original WeChat post has been viewed by more than 1 million times and then read more than 60 million times on SinaWeibo by Wednesday.(原微信帖子已经被浏览超过100万次,截止到周三在新浪微博上被阅读超过6000万次)可知,作者通过列举这个短语被浏览的次数,展示了这个短语(佛系青年)是非常受欢迎的。故C选项正确。


America's top education official says many schools are spending too much time teaching the “basics”—reading, math and writing. It might seem opposite to what educators have been promoting. But U.S. Education Secretary John King says children really deserve access to a well-rounded education that includes music and arts because it will help them go into being well-rounded, well-educated persons.

King spoke about his own education when explaining why schools need to teach more than math,reading and writing.

King grew up in New York. Both his parents died when he was quite young. In his house, things were often crazy and frightening. It was his teacher, Mr. Osterwei, who helped him escape his difficult life. Quite often, the teacher took him and his classmates to the theater, the zoo, the ballet and famous Museum of Natural History. “Those were powerful, life-changing experiences, ”King says. King graduated from Harvard University. He received his law degree

from Yale University. He took charge of New York State public schools from 2011-2015. The U.S. Senate approved him as Education secretary last month.

Many schools spend almost all funding on the “basics” because they lack money for other subjects, King says. Or they want students to do better on tests used to compare student performance.

Students need to connect their studies and things that matter to them personally, such as music if they are to become “sophisticated(水平高的) thinkers”. A 2013 report by UNESCO says today's world needs people able to solve new and unusual problems. It says arts can help students find those answers. In the report, UNESCO said teaching the arts in China, South Korea and Japan is different.

From that in many Western countries, the emphasis(重点) in those three countries is “on joyful experiences and children's interests. ” In the West, educators are more likely to connect the arts to reading, writing and math. A 2014 report tried to compare how well countries teach children how to solve problems. It found Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China, Canada, Australia and Finland with the highest scores for 15-year-olds. Singapore led the way with a score of 562 out of a possible 1,000. The average score was 500. The United States had a score of 508.

7. According to paragraph 1, what have educators been encouraging? A. Teaching arts should never be put second to teaching the “basic”. B. More money and time ought to be set aside for teaching arts. C. Research should be done to ensure a well-rounded education. D. Enough time is supposed to be spent in teaching the “basics”. 8. King spoke about his own education experience to ________. A. share with us his extraordinary education background B. tell us his teacher attached great importance to teaching

C. confirm access to arts contributes to good academic performances D. call on schools to give arts lessons as much attention as the \

9. The author convinces us of the importance of teaching arts by different means except ________.

A. by giving examples

B. by making comparisons