胡延本科毕业设计正本 下载本文

西 京 学 院



院、 系: 经济系 学科专业: 会计学 学 生: 胡延 学 号: 0811030608 指导教师: 佘保元

2012年 03月


世界贸易的飞速发展和国际资本的快速流动将世界经济带入了全球化时代。在这个时代, 任何一个国家要脱离世界贸易市场和资本市场谋求自身发展是非常困难的。会计作为国际通用的商业语言, 在经济全球化过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色,市场参与者也对其提出越来越高的要求。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,加入世贸组织后国际化进程的加快,市场开放程度的进一步增强,中国特色社会主义市场发育过程中不可避免的各种财务问题的出现,迫切需要完善的会计准则加以规范。然而,在会计准则制定过程中,有必要认真思考理清会计准则的概念,使制定的会计准则规范准确、方便操作、经济实用。






The rapid development of world trade and the rapid flow of international capital into the world economy globalization era. In this era, any country to trade from the world to seek their own market and capital market development is very difficult. Accounting as an international common language of business, in the process of economic globalization are playing an increasingly important role, market participants have ever-increasing demands made on them. As China's socialist market economic system and gradually establish and perfect the process of accession to the WTO to speed up the international market and further enhance the degree of openness, market socialism with Chinese characteristics during the development of a variety of financial issues inevitably arise, urgent need to improve accounting standards to regulate. However, in the accounting standard-setting process, it is necessary to seriously consider clarifying the concept of accounting standards, accounting standards regulate the development of accurate, easy to operate, economical and practical.

As in all areas of domestic history, environment, economic development, and so different, leading to domestic accounting standards used in many ways there are differences, which makes the region the lack of comparability between the accounting information, the information is outside the region area information users to understand the high cost, to a large extent hindered the free flow of state capital. In recent years, many areas of accounting and administration and national accounting, accounting standards, economic organizations are committed to thinking and research, and strive to develop a suitable and economic environments in different parts of the specification, under the same accounting standards, to enhance comparability of accounting information, to reduce the economic exchanges between the various regions of the information and switching costs.

This paper mainly from the four major points of our specific accounting standards to reflect and explore. First of all, first introduced the research background of this issue. Secondly, think about the set of accounting standards, mainly from the accounting principles and basic characteristics of the meaning (normative,


authoritative, development, the combination of theory and time), development and implementation of accounting standards, the need for the development and implementation of accounting standards in China the main results achieved, China's accounting standard-setting and implementation problems of analysis and reflection, improvement and development of China's accounting standards and other aspects of the basic ideas. Again, during the specific accounting standards in China to explore the process of thinking that the financial accounting standards, the introduction of fair value accounting standards, accounting standards and other specific issues such thinking and appropriate measures analysis. Finally, specific accounting standards for our thinking, comprehensive thinking, explore, draw some conclusions, writing Conclusion, concludes the paper.

Key Words: accounting standards; thinking; Accounting Standards; fair value; perfect