高中英语完形填空专项训练1 下载本文


3. B have sth open把……打开。根据下文的内容可判断出这个人把报纸打开了, 摊放在自己的面前。flat (使)变平;cut 切

(割);fix 使固定。

4. C pretend 假装。这个人把报纸摊放在自己面前假装在看报纸, 实际上是在监视我。

5. A see看见, 看到。从上文作者对这个人的注意可判断出see是正确答案。find 发现, 表示经过努力寻找到的事实, 与

上下文的内容矛盾。guess 猜测;learn了解。

6. D 根据上文“waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive ”可判断出这时服务员给作者端来了食物。menu 菜单;bill 账

单;paper 纸。

7. B familiar 熟悉。下文“all the waiters in the restaurant knew me ”说明作者与饭店里的服务员都很熟悉。direct 直接的;

strange 奇怪的;funny 有趣的。

8. A chat with与……闲谈。根据常识可判断出比较熟悉的人们见面后常会闲聊几句。look at 看着;laugh at 嘲笑;talk

about 谈论。

9. B 从上文“he seemed even more puzzled ”可以看出, 随着时间的推移, 他越来越感到迷惑不解。

10. C clear 清晰。根据上文内容可判断出情况变得非常清晰, 饭店里的所有服务员都认识作者。true 真实的;hopeful 有

希望的;possible 可能的。

11. D 下文“He came into the kitchen”表明这个人去了厨房。 12. A 从下文可看出这个人离开了饭店。

13. A 由于这个人对作者感到迷惑不解, 也引起作者想知道他想做什么。wish后不接名词或代词作宾语, 所以不能用

what 提问。

14. C follow 跟随。从上下文知道, 这个人是一位侦探, 他跟随着作者来到饭店。meet 遇见;catch捉住;discover 发


15. D 定语从句was looking for 修饰the man, 他要寻找的人。

16. B 根据上文“what ?”I said可判断出作者对此感到惊讶。care 关心;worry 担心;regret后悔。 17. A must 必须。饭店老板对作者与照片上的人如此相像表示肯定。 18. B make a mistake 弄错。饭店的人员对作者很熟悉, 知道这位侦探搞错了。

19. D lucky 幸运的。根据下文“I came to a restaurant where I?m known ”可判断出作者感到幸运。 20. C otherwise 否则。常与虚拟语气连用。如果不是去一家与服务员熟悉的饭店可能会陷入麻烦。 C :

1. D。他周游世界因为他是一个商人,因此说他喜欢他的工作和旅游。 2. B。因为外出经商,旅途一定劳累,因此选B,tiring 表示“使人劳累的”。 3. D。limit 表示“限度”,此句的意思是“他把最后的一点力气都用在旅途上”。 4. C。inside him 的意思是“在他的体内”。 5. A。此句的意思是“他骨头里的物质变得虚弱”。 6. C。从上文提到的原因可知,他不能站立。

7. A。make a move 意为“移动”。

8. B。get over 为固定搭配,意为“爬过、克服、熬过、恢复、原谅”。 9. B。give up hope 表示“放弃希望”。

10. D。从下文得知快乐的思想可以治疗他的疾病,因此可以判断unhappy thoughts导致他体内的bad chemical changes。 11. A。instead 表示“代替”,即他想用快乐的生活来替代服药。 12. C。or 为并列连词,和happy thoughts并列的就是laughter了。

13. D。experiment为不及物动词,意思是“进行实验、做试验”,常与介词 on, with 连用。 14. A。“during the day(在白天)与下文的 at night(在晚上)相对。

15. B。decide 在此为及物动词,意为“判定”,这里是现在分词短语作原因状语。 16. C。即在旅馆里continue his experiments with laughter(继续他的实验)。 17. B。每当他感到疲劳的时候他就睡觉休息。 18. D。他觉得身体恢复得足够的好了。 19. A。在海滩上跑步是为了锻炼身体。 20. C。back to health 意为“恢复了健康”。

高中英语完形填空课堂练习二 A

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to 1 the house-building business to live a more 2 life with his wife and 3 his extended family. He would miss the paycheck(工资)each week, but he wanted to retire. They could 4 .

The employer was 5 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, 6 over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used bad workmanship and 7 materials. It was an unfortunate way to 8 a dedicated(献身的)career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to 9 the house. Then he handed the front-door 10 to the carpenter and said, “This is your house... my 11 to you.”

The carpenter was shocked!

What a 12 ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.

13 it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting 14 than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we 15 we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.

But, you cannot 16 . You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or build a wall. Someone 17 said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your 18 , and the choices you 19 today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build 20 !

1. A. continue

B. start C. leave

D. find

2. A. leisurely B. lonely C. orderly D. friendly

3. A support B. share C. enjoy 4. A. go off B. get by 5. A. polite 6. A. but

D. care

C. pass on D. work away

B. nervous C. proud D. sorry B. while C. which D. before

C. superior

7. A. perfect B. inferior D. tough

8. A. satisfy B. improve C. meet 9. A. buy B. repair 10. A. roof

D. end

C. inspect D. sell

D. design

B. window C. key

11. A. gift B. promise C. salary D. words

D. success

12. A. disappointment B. shame 13. A. So

C. pleasure

B. Yet C. As D. Such

C. rather

14. A. worse B. more 15. A. realize

D. less

B. explain C. think D. admit

16. A. step forward B. go back C. come out D. look around

C. once D. nearly

C. skill

D. confidently

17. A. never B. again 18. A. attitude 19. A. learn

B. experience D. advantage

B. take C. see D. make

B. wisely C. early

20. A. badly


The World Health Organization 1 that more than four million people die each year from the 2 of smoking tobacco. That number is 3 .

WHO officials expect one hundred and fifty million people to 4 tobacco use in the next twenty years. Seven 5 ten of those deaths will be in developing countries. These numbers are frightening .

In the United States, about forty-seven million adults _6__smoke. American health experts say tobacco use is the leading preventable 7 of death nationwide . This year ,more than four hundred and thirty thousand Americans will die of diseases _8__smoking . It is not easy 9 permanently. However ,doctors say you probably will live longer if you 10 stop smoking. You will feel and look better .You also will protect the health of family members 11 breathe your smoke .

The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop smoking . It says one method or a combination of methods may be 12 . They include _13___self-help programs or __14_directions in a book .The group says any way to stop smoking that is legal, moral and effective is worth 15 .This could include taking long walks or spending time in areas _16___smoking is banned .Also ,you could eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable 17 having a cigarette.

The American Cancer Society says _18____smokers stop smoking ,the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer

and other diseases .It says blood pressure _19__to normal twenty minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon dioxide gas levels in the blood return to normal after eight hours. After one year ,the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half 20 of a smoker .

1. A. estimates B. suggests C. informs D. tells 2. A. affects B. effects C. affecting D. affected 3. A. increased B. increase C. increasingly D. increasing 4. A. die of B. die in C. die from D. die 5. A. in B. at C. from D. out 6. A. current B. currently C. often D. always 7. A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. result 8. A. link B. connected C. linked D. because 9. A. to stop to smoking B. stop to smoking C. stop smoking D. to stop smoking 10. A. did B. do C. does D. think 11. A. which B. as C. who D. where 12. A. succeed B. success C. successfully D. successful 13. A. take B. attending C. attended D. organizing 14. A. following B. follows C. accepting D. taking 15. A. tries B. tried C. trying D. doing 16. A. when B. where C. as D. what 17. A. instead B. instead of C. insteading D. and 18. A. the faster B. the sooner C. the slower D. the easier 19. A. returns B. back C. turns D. goes 20. A. which B. one C. that D. it


While attending a conference, I returned to my hotel room late one evening. The overhead light outside my door was burned out and I had 1 finding the keyhole. When I 2 to open the door, I 3 around the wall for a light switch. I found a place where a switch was 4 installed... but no switch!

Not discouraged easily, I remembered 5 a lamp by the bed when I deposited my luggage 6 in the day. I found the bed in the 7 and then the lamp, but when I switched it on, nothing 8 ! I thought that perhaps if I opened the curtains I might be able to use whatever light comes in from the 9 to find another lamp. So I 10 my way slowly across the room to the curtains and... no drawstring! I finally stumbled(跌跌撞撞地走)around 11 I found a desk lamp which actually 12 !

That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world 13 be and how necessary light is! But even more necessary than 14 light is the light that shines from people --the light of 15 and faith. Because, for many people, the