

The need for land reform is suggested by the following statistics.

以下数据说明了士改的必要性。 journalist 新闻记者

Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-kown magazine


to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic.


On the premier's last press conference the hall was filled to capacity by journalists.

总理召开最后一次记者招待会的时候,记者们把大厅挤得水泄不通。 It is said 99% journalists secretly wish to hang their editors, 据说有99%的记者暗地希望亲手把编辑吊死, and the remaining 1% make the wish public. 余下的1%则把这个愿望公开说出来。 president 总统

President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a masterpiece in whatever sense.

林肯总统的葛底斯堡演讲无论从什么意义上说,都是一篇杰作。 The elected president waved to the cheering crowd. 当选总统朝欢呼的人群招手。 palace


We had dinner that evening with the Governor at his palace. 当晚我们在总督的官邸和他共进晚餐。 The place stood four storeys high. 这座王宫有四层楼高。 publish 出版

The editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it.


The book was eventually published and became a best-seller.


He published hid first novel at the age of 35. 他在35岁的时候发表了第一部小说。 fax


The editor at once sent the journalist a fax 编辑立即给那位记者发去传真,

instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the hight of the wall.

要求他核实台阶的确切数字和围墙的高度。 We sent three faxes,but received no reply. 我们接连发了三份传真,可是没接到答案复。 His fax number must have been changed. 他的传真号一定换了。 impatient 不耐烦的

Meanwhile,the editor was getting impatient. 这个时候编辑等得了不耐烦了。

He was impatient of all this waiting. 他实在等得不耐烦了。

She is always impatient with her students. 她对自已的学生总是很不耐烦。 fire 解雇

He sent yet another fax informing the journalist 于是他又发一份传真,通知记者,

that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. 再不从速答复就解雇他。

How can you fire me?What have I done wrong? 你凭什么解雇我?我做错了什么啦?

You are not supposed to speak to your boss in that way,he could have fired you.

你不可以那样子和老板说话,他可以解雇你的。 originally 起初,原先,从前

When the journalist again failed to reply, 但记者还是没有回复,

the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. 编辑无奈,只好照发原稿。

Originally,I had agreed to come up merely as a consultant. 原来我可只答应来当顾问的。

He came here originally to make money. 原先他是来这儿挣钱的。 Lesson 6 smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫
