[小站教育]GMAT 正确句子语法解析大全


151. At the beginning of the year, the city allocated $150 million to cover the

increase in wages that it expected to approve as a result of negotiations with the municipal labor unions.

定语从句, 修饰 the increase in wages;that 跳跃 in 介词指代

152. At the invitation of Kwame Nkrumah, W. E. B. Du Bois settled in Gharla

and became the editor of the Encyclopedia Africana.

153. At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction,

that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards. to what 同位语修饰修饰前面 to... 154.

Automation has undermined the traditional position of labor as much by

robbing workers of the special Skills that were once their most important

strength as by eliminating jobs. 155.

Aviation officials have not only failed to determine the cause of the crash but also ignored demands by the pilots union that the investigation be expedited. 156.

Balding is much more common among White males than among males of

other races.

157.Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine

poisoning; however, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting. 158.

Bankers require that the financial information presented to them by

mortgage applicants be complete and follow a prescribed format. 159.

Using accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”

160. Based on pinto beans and corn tortillas, the diet of the Pima Indians derives 70 percent of its protein from vegetable sources and only 30 percent

from animal foods, the reverse of the typical North American diet.

161.On the basis of growth rates of large modern reptiles such as the Galapagos tortoise and examinations of fossils of juvenile dinosaurs, scientists estimate that the largest dinosaurs probably lived to be between 100 and 200 years old.

162. In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.

163. Because Halley’s comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-six-year

interval between its passes close to Earth, it may veer onto a collision course with a planet sometime in the distant future. 固定表达 interval between; between passing 错。between 两种用法 between…and …和 between 名词复数

164. Because natural gas is composed mostly of methane, a simple

hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants

than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel. 165.

Because of the business community’s uncertainty about the President’s

position on the deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates has occurred. 166.

Because of the enormous research and development expenditures

required of firms to survive in the electronics industry, an industry marked by rapid innovation and volatile demand, such firms tend to be very large.

167. Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash, many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal. 168.

Because the Earth’s crust is more solid there and thus better able to

transmit shock waves, an earthquake in the eastern United States will typically devastate an area 100 times greater than will a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the West. 169.

Because the enemy’s new ship is the quietest and therefore the most

elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed by the military as a threat to security.


170. Because the financial review covered only the last few fiscal years, the investigators were unable to determine the extent of possible earlier overpayments.

171. Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions

systematically, as adults do, they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore.

172. Before the Civil War, Harriet Tubman, herself an escaped slave, returned again and again to Maryland to guide other slaves along the Underground

Railroad to freedom. 反身代词+n 构成同位语

173.Born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati Mukherjee became a United States citizen in 1988; she has lived in England and Canada, and first came to the United States in 1961 to study at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

174. Elephants emit low-frequency sounds, believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, that they may use as a secret language to

communicate with other members of the herd. 定语从句相隔甚远 175.Besides yielding such psychological rewards as relief from stress, deep relaxation, if practiced regularly, can strengthen the immune system and produce a host of other physiological benefits.

176. Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival

depends on whether it can broaden its membership and leavee its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.

177.Bihar is India’s poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than that of the most impoverished countries of the world. 178.

Bill Walton continued playing, in spite of recurrent injuries, always

hoping to return to his position as a regular starter in the game he loved. 179.

Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo’s development.

180. Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical

collaboration, and vocal style influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from his own.

181.Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protégé when he was

nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940’s, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come. “现目前为


182. What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls. 183.

Bufo marinus toads, fierce predators that will eat frogs, lizards, and even

small birds, are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930’s in an attempt to control pests in the state’s vast sugarcane fields.

184. Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a

wasteful use of resources, if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided. Longman: if only: used to give a reason for something, although

you think it is not a good one。 Example: Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if only because it's new. 185.

By 1914, ten of the western states had granted women the right to vote,

but only one in the East had.

186. By a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligence

Agency broad discretionary powers enabling it to withhold from the public the identities of its sources of intelligence information.

187. By analyzing the advanced olfactory apparatus of Pleistocene chordates,

paleozoologists have discovered a link between the brain’s regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage, a link that could prove invaluable in the treatment of amnesia victims.

188. By installing special electric pumps, farmers, according to one agricultural engineer, could use the warmth from cows’ milk to heat their houses.
