《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文

e.g. She rises before it is light. 她黎明即起。 ② go up 上升

e.g. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西边落下。

n. [C] an increase 增加

e.g. There has been a rise in the number of people out of work. 失业人数增加了。

4. opposite prep. on the other side of在对面

e.g. He lives opposite me. 他住在我的对面。

I always buy my paper from the shop opposite our flat(公寓). 我一向都在公寓对面的商店买报纸。

adj. as different as possible from sth. else 相反的;对立的 e.g. There are two opposite ways of imporving it. 有两种截然相反的方法都可以使它得以改善。 5. familiar adj. knowing well 熟悉的

e.g. I heard a familiar voice in the next room. 我听见隔壁有个熟悉的声音。 be familiar with

e.g. Are you familiar with this type of machine? 你熟悉这种机器吗? 6. enter: v. ①come or go into a place 进去

e.g. The students stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom. 老师走进教室时,学生就不再讲话了。

② write down sth. (in a notebook, account, etc.) 在笔记、账本 等上登记,登录

e.g. Please enter your name, address(地址) and date of birth. 请填上你的姓名、地址和出生日期。

③ become a member of an organization, a school, etc. 成为……的一员; 就读

e.g. She entered university in 1980. 她是1980年进大学学习的。 7. settle: v. ① go to live in a new place and stay there 定居;落户 e.g. How did you come to settle here? 你怎么到这儿定居的?

② decide on, make the last arrangements about决定;确定 e.g. She has settled everything with the company. 她与公司把所有的事情都了结了。

Ⅳ. Exercises

5.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (P27) population familiar

valuable carpet leak furniture 9

section merely settle enter investment welcome 1. Thank you for your _____time, experience and service as well. Key: valuable

2. Hong Kong's _____has helped change and develop the city into a modern one. Key: investment

3. It is reported that the _____in the north and east part of the country are now living in terrible conditions. Key: population

Note: It is reported that… 据说,据报道。这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。

4. The roofs _____and the walls were damp (潮湿的). Key: leaked

5. In order to learn a foreign language well, we should make ourselves _____with the culture of that country. Key: familiar

6. They spent a whole day placing the _____; now they have a comfortable and new house to live in. Key: furniture

7. Don't take what he said too seriously; he is _____asking about the possibility of further investment. Key: merely

8. He _____the profession after 4 years at college. Key: entered

5.2 Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets. (P27) 1. 同学们散坐在教室的各处讨论问题,就在这时老师进来了。 (sit around)

The students were sitting around the classroom and discussing questions when their teacher came in.

2.我去年买了这幢房子,所欠房款还未付清。(pay off)

Last year, I bought this house, but I have not paid off the money I owe on it. 3. 我的朋友向我点点头,然后仔细考虑我提出的问题。(nod)

My friend nodded to me and thought over the questions I put forward. 4. 住房成为当今的流行话题,这是不难理解的。(a popular subject)

It is not difficult to understand that housing has become a popular subject of conversation these days.

5. 你渐渐习惯了老房子的这些问题,就像习惯了自己的缺点一样。 (get used to)

You have got used to these problems of your old house, just like your own shortcomings.

5.3 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. (P28)

1.One Saturday night we were sitting around our rather worn living room with some old friends when one of them started trying to remember how long we?d lived there.



2. “To whom is it not as valuable?” I asked him in a voice that was louder than necessary for him to hear what I was saying.


3. Behind the curtain of the window nearest my wife?s desk, there is a section of wall which is four inches wide. It has missed the last four coats of paint so that the little chalk marks with dates opposite them would not be lost.


4. If something doesn't work quite right, the carpet is worn, the toilet or bathroom basin leaks, or you have a bad neighbor, you get used to them and, like your own shortcomings, you find ways to ignore them.

如果有什么东西出了问题,如果地毯破旧了,卫生间或事浴室的水池漏水了,邻居不友好,你渐渐习惯于这些问题,并像对待自己的缺点一样,有办法听之任之。 5. I am welcomed by familiar furniture when I enter and I'm warmed by some feeling, which may merely be dust, but it is our dust and I like it.


Ⅴ.Spotlight on Grammar 带介词的不定式短语作后置修饰语

(1) It is not a tent in which to spend the night before we rise in the morning to go on to some other place. (Passage A, Unit 2)

(2) The reason is that there are too many things to pick from…. (Passage A, Unit 5, Preband 1)

(3) …the bad people had fewer and fewer empty buildings to hang out in. (Passage A, Unit 8, Preband 1)

(4) Suppose you want to find someone to play bridge with. (Passage A, Unit 10, Preband 1) 上面各句中的斜体部分是一个带介词的不定式短语,作后置修饰语,修饰它前面的名词短语。就其意义而言,这四句中的后置修饰语都可用关系分句(relative clauses, 即定语从句)来改写:

(1) The reason is that you have too many things from which you can pick...

(2) …the bad people had fewer and fewer empty buildings in which they could hang out. 不定式短语作名词短语的修饰语(modifiers, 即定语),通常放在它所修饰的名词短语之后,也就是说,它通常充当名词短语的后置修饰语(post-modifiers)。当不定式短语和它所修饰的名词短语之间的关系需要通过介词来起中介作用时,不定式短语的末尾就必须有一个合适的介词,如上例(2)、(3)、(4)。又如: In the library we have many books to choose from. 图书馆里有许多书可供选择。


You need first to find some tools to clean the toilet with. 首先你必须找几样工具来打扫厕所。

有时,为了避免句子以介词收尾,可把介词前移,使之紧跟被修饰的名词短语。这时,介词后必须用一个关系代词(relative pronoun),如which, whom等,如上例(1)。又如:

In the library we have many books from which to choose.

You need first to find some tools with which to clean the toilet.


There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。 [误] There is nothing about which to worry.

The nurse has eight patients to look after. 这个护士要照顾八个病人。 [误] The nurse has eight patients after whom to look.

Unit 3 More the Same than Different


A. How much do you know about the former Soviet Union?

B. In your opinion, what are the main differences between the western and eastern culture? Ⅱ.Sentence Analysis 1. …don?t make a circle with your thumb and first finger… (Para.2)

thumb: n. [C] the finger that is short and thick and set apart from the other four大拇指 e.g. He had his thumb injured (受伤) when he was playing basketball. 他打篮球时弄伤了拇指。

2. “…thumb and first finger,” the woman announced. (Para.2)

announce: v. tell about sth. publicly or officially; declare 宣布

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new department store. 谨此宣布新百货公司正式开业。

He announced to his friends his marriage with Miss Brown. 他向朋友们宣布他已与布朗小姐成婚。

3. The woman was preparing the Americans for their voyage to the communist Soviet Union. (Para.6)

prepare sb. for: make sb. ready for 使做好准备

e.g. Listening is a course that prepares students for the English exams. 听力是为学生参加英语考试而设的课程。

e.g. I?m afraid you?re going to have to prepare yourself for a shock. 恐怕你要做好经受意外打击的心理准备。

4. The Americans were curious to learn about these differences before their voyage. (Para.6) curious: adj. eager to know or learn 好奇的

