高一英语人教版必修2练习:模块综合测评 含解析

B.They must have their parent or teacher sign. C.They must have taken some special training before. D.They must be introduced by their school teachers. 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据规则第二条中的“ALSO IMPORTANT:Be sure that you are allowed to attend.If you are entering from home,your parent should print his or her full name on the back of your entry and sign underneath his or her printed name”可知选B项。


Finner is a student at Columbia University in New York City.He is studying to be a doctor.But he should have his degree in social media.

Finner posted a photo on social media dressed as if he were sick and in a hospital.He posted the photo in hopes of being excused from an upcoming exam.

In the photo,he used his bed sheets to look like hospital clothes.He put iPhone earbuds(耳塞式耳机) in his nose to make it look like he needed oxygen.And he used a computer charger to look like he was receiving fluids.He even made a bracelet(手镯)like the ones that hospitals give to patients.Along with the photo,he wrote several tweets.In the tweets,he complained about a nosebleed.He said he was in the hospital.

And then he posted other photos with the titles“Current Situation”.He also wrote:“I’m emailing these pictures to my professor because I had a nosebleed & had to be hospitalized & can’t take this midterm on Wednesday.”

One Twitter follower caught on to his joke quickly.He noted the pictures showed earbuds in Finner’s nose.But that did not stop others on Twitter and other social media from enjoying the joke and“liking”the pictures thousands of times.

Some people probably thought he was serious about being in the hospital.Others were just enjoying his creativity.

One of Finner’s friends wrote,“It’s one thing when your foolishness is just among us,but now it has spread worldwide.”

Finner later wrote,“I didn’t expect it to become popular.” Finner became a story himself when a blog posted some of his tweets.Finner later posted another photo of himself,saying he left the hospital.But he still needed oxygen,and those earbuds were still in his nose. 28.What has Finner chosen as his future profession? A.Social media. C.Medicine. 答案C 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“He is studying to be a doctor.”可知,Finner将来的职业是医生。 29.Finner dressed himself up as a patient in hospital to . A.make fun B.avoid an exam

B.Photography. D.Electronic industry.


C.become famous D.show his creativity 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He posted the photo in hopes of being excused from an upcoming exam.”可知,Finner这样做的目的是躲避考试。

30.The underlined part “caught on to”in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by . A.laughed at C.spread out 答案D 解析词义猜测题。根据下文的“He noted the pictures showed earbuds in Finner’s nose.”可知,“caught on to”的意思是“发现”。

31.What do you know about the end of the story? A.Finner continued to play his trick. B.Finner admitted that he was lying. C.Finner made an apology to the public. D.Finner succeeded in fooling his teacher. 答案A 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Finner later posted another photo of himself,saying he left the hospital.But he still needed oxygen,and those earbuds were still in his nose.”可知,Finner继续在耍小聪明。


Four friends live in a small town.Their favorite thing to do is to play basketball together.Lane,one of them,is new to the town.He’s really good at basketball and lets everyone know “If anyone in this small town beats me on the court.I’ll eat my hat!”

One night after shooting hoops (篮筐) all day,the four friends found themselves in a restaurant for dinner.As Lane talked big about how great he had played that day,the owner of the restaurant came over with their food.

Hearing their conversation,the old man smiled and said:“I used to shoot a lot when I was younger.” Lane said,“Well,old man,it’s nice that you played once.But basketball is a game for young people like me!”

“That’s the truth,” the old man laughed.“Yeah,the restaurant work is more suited to an older person.” Lane said “an older person” as if it were a bad phrase.Lane’s friends’ faces became red and then quickly sank down in their seats.The old man just smiled,“Well,there is one thing that I can still do quite well.I can shoot a mean free-throw!In fact,I might even beat you,young man.”

Lane laughed at this.The owner said,“If you lose,you must wait tables in my restaurant for a week.” Lane agreed to the bet.They arranged to meet at the basketball court the next day at noon.

Lane went first.He made 24 excellent free-throw shots.But he missed his 25th throw.The restaurant owner shot one after another,all of them perfect.

B.believed in D.found out


The old man was still shooting to the cheer of the crowd when Lane left the court with his tail between his legs.In the end,the old man made a total of 63 perfect free-throws-a new court record!

At first Lane was too embarrassed to go into the restaurant.But finally,he swallowed his pride and waited tables there.

32.What do we know about Lane? A.He was honest with old people. B.He felt too proud of his basketball skills. C.He looked down upon his classmates. D.He was the best basketball player in his town. 答案B 解析推理判断题。从Lane的谈话可知,他很骄傲。

33.How did Lane’ friends feel about his behavior to the old man? A.It is satisfying. B.It is frightening. C.It is brave. D.It is embarrassing. 答案D 解析细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Lane’s friends’ faces became red and then quickly sank down in their seats.”可知,Lane的朋友对此感到很难为情。

34.How did Lane behave after seeing the restaurant owner’s good performance? A.He went away halfway. B.He congratulated the old man. C.He showed anger to it.

D.He admired the old man’s success. 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据第七段中的“Lane went first.He made 24 excellent free-throw shots.But he missed his 25th throw.”和第八段中的“The old man was still shooting...his legs.”可知,Lane中途就走了。 35.How did the story end up? A.Lane refused to wait tables there. B.Lane no longer played basketball.

C.Lane lost face and accepted the result of the bet.

D.Lane admitted his mistake and tried harder to play basketball. 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“At first Lane was too embarrassed to go into the restaurant.But finally,he swallowed his pride and waited tables there.”可知,Lane很丢脸,并接受了打赌的结果。 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people healthy and happy,and to live longer. 36 They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games.Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.

37 Football,for example,has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake,whether in China,Egypt or Italy! 38 Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan,Norway or Canada.

Some sports or game go back thousands of years,like running or jumping.Chinese wushu,for example,has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are rather new.Neither one is a hundred years old yet. 39 Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other,but after a game together they often become good friends. 40 One learns to fight hard but fight fair,to win without pride and to lose with grace. A.And think of people in cold countries. B.Sports help to train a person’s character.

C.Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves. D.Many people like to watch others play games. E.People aren’t inventing new sports or games.

F.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them. G.People are inventing new sports or games all the time. 答案36~40 DFAGB 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



There lived a washerman named Bob in a village.He had two 41 ,a donkey named Bhola and a dog named Moti.Moti was used to 42 Bob’s house and Bhola was used to carry the 43 to the river and back home.

One night,when everyone was 44 ,a thief entered the house.Moti saw him but didn’t bark.On 45 this,Bhola asked Moti,“You saw the thief and still didn’t bark.What is the 46 ?”

Moti replied,“You don’t have to tell me about my 47 .I’ve been taking care of this house for a long time.But our master doesn’t seem to 48 this.He gives me less food and doesn’t 49 me well.If I allow this thief to 50 ,at least our master will understand my worth.”

Bhola said,“Don’t act like a(n) 51 .This is not the time to prove your worth.This is the only time when you can act and protect our master’s house. 52 wasting time and wake our master immediately.”

However,Moti didn’t listen to Bhola.He replied,“Why should I 53 when he has no respect for me?I’m not going to 54 him.If you want,you can do that.”

Bhola shouted at him,“You are so 55 .You have no gratitude(感激) towards our master.Anyway,I respect our master and I’ll warn him about the thief.”

