高 一 英 语第一学期期末调研测试

高 一 英 语第一学期期末调研测试



第一部分 听力(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What did Emily buy in the shopping center?

A. A coat. B. A jacket. C. A skirt. 2. Where might Catherine be?

A. In her office. B. At home. C. On her way to office. 3. Which month do the man's parents suggest?

A. June. B. July. C. August. 4. Where does this conversation take place ?

A. In a restaurant. B. In the post office. C. In a bank. 5. How much does each T-shirt cost now?

A. $25 B. $30 C. $75

第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Where is the man?

A. At the information desk. B. On the York train. C. At the 66th Street stop.

7.Which gate should the man go through?

A. No. l. B. No.2. C. No.6. 听第7段材料,回答第8至l0题。

8.Why does the woman want to exchange the gloves?

A. They aren't the right color. B. There's a hole in them. C. They are too small.

9. How did the woman get the gloves?

A. She bought them herself. B. She got them as a gift. C. She got them as


an award.

10. How much more will the woman pay?

A. 5 dollars. B. 6 dollars. C. 7 dollars. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11, Why is the woman pale?

A. She ate something bad. B. She has the flu. C. She has a headache. 12. When did Jerry go to the new restaurant?

A. Last night. B. Last week. C. Last month. 13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends. B. Doctor and patient. C. Waiter and customer.

听第9段材料,回答第14至15题。 14. Where is the woman now?

A. To the left of a river. B. Near some big trees. C. Near a bridge. 15. What should the woman do first?

A. Turn around. B. Turn left. C. Go straight for

half a mile.

第二部分 英语知识综合运用(共30分)

第一节 从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上,将该项涂黑。(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)

16. As a war reporter, Jenny went through a lot of amazing __________, which contributed to her rich __________ in her job.

A. experience; experience B. experience; experiences C. experiences; experiences D. experiences; experience

17. Since we have made full preparations for the job interview, there __________ be any trouble in our passing it.

A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. needn't D. might not

18. If you want to be a splendid astronaut like Yang Liwei, every minute is supposed to be made use __________ the mysterious space.

A. of exploring B. to explore C. of to explore D. to be exploring 19. ---You’d better not come to the office between 3 and 5 this afternoon. ---Why?

---Because the manager __________ an important meeting then.

A. will attend B. will be attending C. would attend D. will have attended

20. ---How is your adventure going in Africa?


---Quite well. Not so smoothly as I expected, __________. A. though B. instead C. either D. anyhow

21. My mother never forgets the funny scene __________ my father felt so embarrassed when he first saw her.

A. that B. which C. where D. when

22. The books, __________the dictionaries, must be put back where they __________. A. including; were B. to contain; are C. included; were D. containing; are

23. Vasodilators(血管扩张) may __________the heart rate and cause headaches. A. make up B. step up C. take up D. turn up 24. After hearing the suspect’s(嫌犯) __________ reasons, the lawyer became __________ that he hadn’t been linked to the murder.

A. convinced; convinced B. convincing; convincing C. convincing; convinced D. convinced; convincing

25.On New Year’s Eve, a big fire swept through a top nightclub in Bangkok,__________ at least 60 people, most of__________ were foreigners.

A. having killed; them B. killed; who C. killing; them D. killing; whom

26. I have been recommended to donate blood by the health expert __________ I need some in the medical treatment one day.

A. even though B. as if C. in case D. now that 27. My friend John, a bookworm, was always busy doing his homework, only__________ once in a while to drink some water.

A. stopping B. to stop C. to have stopped D. having stopped

A. coincidence B. accident C. incident D. chance 29. Edward was excited to be informed that his wife __________ his children __________ invited to the party with him.

A. and; was B. together with; were C. as well as; was D. along with; were

I just can’t understand.

---__________. You were looking forward to it.

A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s very unwise of her

C. Don’t worry about it D. You must be disappointed


28. Can’t it be a (n) ___________ that five jewelry stores here were robbed in just one night

30. ---Dad, my teacher says she’s decided not to hold the party due to the coming examination

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)


I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. During these discussions, I ask the participants, “What has caused you to stay long enough to become a 31 ? A new manager called Cynthia took the 32 and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.” She told the group that when she started to work in this 33 , she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He 34 a baseball glove for Little League. Cynthia had 35 he would get a glove as soon as she found a job and he was calling to 36 her of her promise.

When Cynthia 37 for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in back of the store that 38 as an office. Cynthia 39 if she had done something wrong or 40 some part of her job unfinished from the day before. She was worried and 41 . Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I knew that it is hard to explain such things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he needs to understand how 42 he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves as a single mother. You know we can’t 43 each good person like you as much as we would like to; but we do 44 , and I want you to know you are important to us.” The thoughtfulness, sympathy and love of this convenience store manager 45 her. She remembers better how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays.

31. A. secretary 33. A. company 34. A. asked

B. manager C. clerk D. servant

C. question

D. team

D. needed

D. inform D. served

D. admitted D. arrived

D. requested D. took D. amused

C. had C. tell C. took

D. time

C. group

32. A. discussion B. floor

B. factory B. told

B. bought B. warn B. left

35. A. declared 36. A. remind 37. A. reached 38. A. used

C. promised

C. made

B. considered B. wondered B. missed

39. A. recalled 40. A. left 41. A. confused

C. asked

C. caused

B. disappointed C. delighted

