南大网络大学英语(英语统考B下)unit 2-5

【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D

15. According to the passage, it is always a good idea ______.

A.to send in one’s resume before one is certain there is a job available B.to send in one’s resume whether or not one is certain there is a job available C.to send in one’s resume if one knows that there is not a job available D.to make an inquiry phone call first before one sends in his resume 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B


16. The girl is not happy at the new school. She has ______ friends there.

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A

17. I can make 10 dollars ______ hour as ______ waitress at a restaurant on Saturdays.

A.a ? an B.the ? a C.an ? a D.an ? the 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C

18. Every means ______ been tried to solve the difficult problems.

A.have B.has C.is D.are


19. I’m afraid I can’t make myself ______ because my English is very poor.

A.understand B.to understand C.understanding D.understood 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D

20. My neighbor said that they ______ in this area for over 40 years.

A.have lived B.have been living C.had been living D.lived

【批阅】回答错误! 完形填空(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) The death of a child, 21 one’s own child, is something the mind can hardly comprehend. It seems to go 22 nature. The end of a life that is still forming or has just begun 23 an almost unthinkable cruelty. But it happens. Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children 24 whom they gave birth. And nothing will ever 25 the empty place that the dead child leaves behind. Parents 26 to die before their children, 27 is the natural order of life events. When the situation is reversed and a child dies before the parents, it seems wrong.

Yet we never know why one person dies and another lives. But we do know 28 a child is gone, the parents still have a future, as gray and worthless as it may at first seem. Death may take the child, but the love never 29 .

The sorrow after child’s death is one of the longest and hardest type of loss to live 30 . And it takes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions. 21<>

A.especially B.special C.especial D.specially 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A


A.above B.against C.over D.beyond

【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B


A.are B.is C.was


【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B


A.at B.with C.to D.for

【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C


A.fulfill B.fall C.full D.fill

【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D


A.ensure B.expect C.hope D.sure

【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B

