

满分:120分 时间:90分钟

第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Do you think Great Britain and the United States are alike?Winston Churchill once joked that the people of Britain and the people of America are separated(分离的)only by their language. Do you think that is true?The British and the Americans both speak English as the official language. However,each uses some different words. We Americans are similar to the Britain. After all,our country was once owned by Great Britain,so we have a lot in common. But there are many differences between us.

Great Britain has a king or queen,and the leader of the government is the Prime Minister.The United States has no kings or queens.Our leader is the President.

Both the British and Americans use pounds and ounces,pints,quarts,and gallons. Both use miles,yards,and feet. Our money is different,though. The British use pounds and pence. Americans use dollars and cents.

Driving in a car is very different in England. They drive on the left side of the road. We drive on the right. What we call the hood of the car,the British call the “bonnet”.British cars run on “petrol”,which we call gasoline.

In our everyday lives,we do many of the same things as the British.But we describe them differently.A young mother here might push a baby in a baby carriage.A British mom pushes a“pram”.The British watch the“telly”,while we watch TV.We like to eat French fries,but the British call them “chips”.Millions of Americans drink coffee,but most British prefer tea.

So we are different in many ways.But we stay friendly anyway. 1.Winston Churchill's words mean that________. A.Britain and the US are very similar B.the people of Britain and the US are friendly C.the languages of Britain and the US are the same D.there are many differences between Britain and the US 2.The British and Americans both use________. A.miles and dollars C.gallons and feet

B.pints and pence D.yards and cents

3.Which of the following is used by the British?

A.TV. C.Hood.

4.What is the best title for the text? A.We stay friendly B.A common language? C.English as the official language D.Differences between Britain and the US

B.Pram. D.French fries.


1.A 解析:推理判断题。作者先提出问题“Do you think Great Britain and the United States are alike?”紧接着便引用了丘吉尔的话,目的是为了说明英国和美国很相似。

2.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Both the British and Americans use pounds...and gallons.Both use miles,yards,and feet.可知选C项。

3.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四、五两段可知,四个词中只有Pram是英式英语。 4.B 解析:标题归纳题。作者在文中主要介绍了英国和美国在语言使用方面的一些异同。B项以反问的形式表达了“英美语言有差异”之意,形象、准确地概括了本文的主要内容,作为标题很贴切。A、C两项片面;D项太泛,且未涵盖“相同之处”。



I'd like to know about fluency.What can I do to feel better when I'm talking to other people?Do you have some ways to learn it faster?Please help me!

——Roberto in Brazil Answer:

Roberto wants to know how to become more fluent in English,and this is something you want to be able to do “fast”.

First,if you get to meet English speakers much,the important rule is to listen not just to native speakers of English,but also to very good users of English.If you don't,then listen to the radio,TV or films in English.

The next step is to notice what it is that speakers of English do,which makes them sound fluent.The first trick(诀窍)is to probably have confidence.Some people think they might make mistakes.Don't worry about that.Your listeners will usually try hard to understand you—a few grammar mistakes aren't going to worry them.

What you do need to worry about is pronunciation,especially stress(重音).When you learn a new word or expression,learn it with its stress.Notice how a native speaker says it or look it up in a dictionary.

Another good thing that speakers of English do is to_have_a_few_

tricks_up_their_sleeves(袖子)for when they need to give themselves thinking time. Sometimes they use “filler sounds” like er,um and so on.

It is also useful to know how to bring other speakers into your conversation so that you keep them interested—and this is often done by asking questions like“What do you think?”“How do you feel about this?”and so on.

So,to become a fluent speaker,you'll need to put into practice all these kinds of things.And there's the key:practise,practise,practise.

—Susan Fearn

5.Roberto wants to know how to________. A.learn English B.speak English fluently C.talk to other people D.become confident

6.When mentioning pronunciation,Susan pays special attention to________. A.stress C.dictionaries

B.expressions D.words

7.What do the underlined words“to have a few tricks up their sleeves”probably mean? A.To wear a lot of clothes. B.To have a secret plan or idea. C.To hide some tricks into their sleeves. D.To have sleeves covering their whole arms. 8.What do we know from the passage? A.One can only learn stress from dictionaries. B.Grammar mistakes worry one's listeners a Int.

C.Asking questions can make one's conversation attractive. D.One can become fluent if one practises one of the suggestions.


5.B 解析:细节理解题。根据Roberto所问的问题及Susan回答的第一句话可知,Roberto想知道如何能更快更流利地用英语交流,B项符合题意。

6.A 解析:细节理解题。根据What you do need to worry about is pronunciation,especially stress可知A项正确。

7.B 解析:词义猜测题。根据“他们需要时间思考时”及“有时,他们会用一些?哦、

嗯?之类的填充音”可知,这是他们用到的一些技巧。have/keep sth.up/in one's sleeve意为“有锦囊妙计,留有一招”。

8.C 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,通过问问题的方式可以将其他说话人吸引到自己的谈话中。


People living on parts of the south of England face a serious problem.Last year the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered,to their horror,that their gardens had disappeared overnight.The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs on which they had been built.While experts were studying the problem,the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether,sliding down the cliff and into the sea.

Erosion(侵蚀)of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept father and farther inland.Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people,forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.

Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes.Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases,this is impossible.New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast,shifting the problem from one area to another.The danger is likely to continue,they say,until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock,which will not be eaten as limestone is.Meanwhile,if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future,apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.

9.What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face?

A.The disappearance of hotels,houses and gardens. B.The experts' lack of knowledge. C.The rising of the sea level.

D.The washing-away of limestone cliffs.

10.The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England________. A.will soon become a problem for people living in central England B.has now become a threat to the local residents C.is quickly changing the map of England D.can be stopped if proper measures are taken

11.The expert's study on the problem of erosion can________.
