
18 To the narrator, her sister’s question (line 62-63) implies that(A )


A mother represented the last true vestige of the sisters’ Japanese heritage


B mother should have made more of an effort to educate her daughters about their background 妈妈应该更加致力于教授她女儿关于她们背景的东西 C Mother’s education in California extended beyond the confines of the university 妈妈在C接受的教育超越了大学的限制

D sisters were saddened by their mother’s decision to move


E sisters would not regret the absence of traditional family rituals



The following passage is excerpted from a historian’s examination of European attitudes towards childhood.

Medieval European art until about the twelfth century did not know childhood or did not attempt to portray it. It is hard to believe that neglect was due to incompetence or incapacity; it seems more probable that there was no place for childhood in the medieval world. A miniature painted during the twelfth century provides us with a striking example of the deformity that an artist at that time would inflict on the representation of children’s bodies. The subject is a Biblical scene in which Jesus is surrounded by little children. Yet the miniature has grouped around Jesus what obviously eight men, without any characteristics of childhood; they have simple been depicted on a smaller scale. In a French miniature of the late eleventh century, three children brought to life by a saint are also reduced to a smaller scale than adults, without any other difference in expression or features. A painter would

not hesitate to give the body of a child the musculature of an adult

attempt to 尝试

incompetence or incapacity 缺乏能力的 deformity畸形 inflict on 使。。。承受 miniature 微型画 小画像


In the world of pictorial formulas inherited from ancient Rome, right up to the end of the thirteenth

century, there are no children characterized by a special expression, but only adults on a reduced scale. This refused to accept child morphology in art is to be found too in most of the ancient civilizations. A fine Sardinian bronze of the ninth century BC shows a mother holding in her arms the bulky body of her son. The museum catalog tells us:‖ the little masculine figure could also be a child which,( in accordance with the formula adopted in ancient times by other peoples), had been represented as an adult.‖ Everything in fact would seem to suggest that the realistic representation of children or the idealization of childhood was confined to ancient Greek art. Representations of Eros, the Greek child god of love, proliferated in that Hellenistic period, but childhood disappeared from art together with the other Hellenistic themes, and the subsequent Romanesque art returned to the rejection of the special features of childhood. Pictorial 图示的 inherited from 继承于 morphology 形态学
