
5. The performance of each employee is ____ once a year.


【答案解析】句意:每年,每一位员工的表现每年都会被评估一次。注意此句子中的被动语态,员工绩效被评估,所以动词evaluate 应为被动式evaluated。答案为evaluated。

6. We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is _____to their needs. 【正确答案】appropriate

【答案解析】句意:我们需要确保他们所接受的教育适合他们的需求。appropriate 是形容词,指的是“合适的”。答案为appropriate。

Section C

1. That bit of the form is for UK citizens 一 it doesn't apply ____ you. 【正确答案】to

【答案解析】译文:表格的那一部分是针对英国公民的,和你没关系。apply to,固定搭配,应用,使用。答案为to。

2. Arguments were put ____ for changing some of the rules of the game. 【正确答案】forth

【答案解析】译文:争议之所以产生,是因为要修改该项运动的一些规则。put forth,固定搭配,提出,产生。答案为forth。

3. When judging his performance, don't take his age ____ account.


【答案解析】take...into account ,固定搭配,考虑到,顾及。答案为into。

4. He's universally recognized as an authority ____ Russian affairs.



5. Just compare the one that has been cleaned ____ the others. 【正确答案】with

【答案解析】compare...with? 为固定搭配,把??和??做对比,比较。答案为with。

6. Education should be relevant ____ the child's needs. 【正确答案】to

【答案解析】be relevant to,固定搭配,有关的,相关的。答案为to。

Unit 1 Text B The language of Confidence

New Words

confidence n.自信心 program v. 训练;培养 mastery n. 控制;驾驭

destiny n. 命运;天命;天数 (by destiny) dramatically adv. 巨大地;惊人地;显著地 quality n. 质量;品质 (quantity)

subconscious adj. 下意识的;潜意识的 please v. 使满意;使愉快

command n.(给人或动物的)命令 knowingly adv. 故意地;蓄意地 impact n. 巨大影响;强大作用 matter v. 事关紧要;有重大影响 confident adj. 自信的;有自信心的 sense n.(对重大事情的)感觉,意识 eliminate v. 排除;清除;消除 disempower v. 剥夺;使失去权利 self-esteem n. 自尊心 limit v. 限制;限定

infinite adj. 极大的;无法衡量的 stifle v. 压制; 扼杀;阻止 creativity n. 创造力

internal adj. 内心的;头脑中的

insignificant adj. 微不足道的;无足轻重的 commonly adv. 通常;常常

alternative n. 可供选择的事物; adj. 可替代的 fabulous adj. 极好的;绝妙的

Phrases and Expressions

carry out 完成(任务) be up to 取决于

have an impact on/upon 对?产生巨大影响 rub ... out 用橡皮擦掉(字迹等) be in control of 掌管;管理;控制 重点单词

confidence n. 自信心

用法: to have/lose confidence in sb. 对某人抱有[失去]信心

eg: I have little confidence in him. 我对他没有什么信心。 衍生: confident adj. 自信的;有自信心的

confident of sth/that... 自信的;有信心的;有把握的

eg: feel confident of succeeding/that one will succeed 有信心能成功 quality n. 质量;品质

用法: be of poor/good/high quality 质量差/好/高

eg: Much of the land was of poor quality. 很多土地质量差。 Use only high quality ingredients.使用高质量原料。 衍生:qualify v. (使)(某人)具有资格;给(某人)某种资格;(使)合格 eg: I won't qualify until next year. 我明年才具备资格。

qualified adj. 经过训练或考试的;有资格的;合格的;及格的 eg: a qualified doctor 合格的医生

subconscious adj. 下意识的;潜意识的 eg: the subconscious self 潜意识的自我 衍生:sub- = under 在?之下 subway(地铁), submarine(潜水艇) conscious adj. 知道的;察觉的;注意到的

eg: be conscious of being watched/that one is being watched 察觉有人在监视自己 consciousness n. 意识

eg:attitudes that are deeply ingrained in the English consciousness 深深扎根于英国人意识中的看法

matter v. 事关紧要;有重大影响 用法:matter(to sb)

eg:What does it matter(whether he comes or goes)?(他来也好去也好)那有什么关系?

It doesn't matter to me what you do. 你做什么我都无所谓。 disempower v. 剥夺;使失去权利 衍生:dis- = 除去,剥夺 disable(使丧失能力), disarm(解除武装), discourage(使失去勇气), discover(发现)

em-, en- = 使 embody(体现), empower(授权), encourage(鼓励), endanger(使危险)

The Language of Confidence

The language we use programs our brains. Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use the language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve our quality of life. 自信的语言 语言能影响我们的大脑。掌握语言就能在很大程度上掌握我们的生活和命运。将语言发挥到极致可以极大地改善我们的生活质量,这一点至关重要。

Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our subconscious mind, which is like a child, and it doesn't really understand the difference between what really happens and what you imagine. It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it -- whether

you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you.

再短的单词也能对我们的潜意识产生深远的影响。我们的潜意识就像一个孩子,分不清真实发生的事和自己想象的事。它渴望取悦,乐意听从你给它的任何命令,而你是有意还是无意地做这些完全取决于你。 \

It is a small word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. If someone says, \you know that they are not going to be pulling their whole heart into(全身心投入于) it, and may not even do it at all. How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you? Do you say \call\



Think about something that you would like to achieve, and say it to yourself in two different ways. Firstly say, \? \?\feel.


The latter makes you feel better than the first one, doesn't it? It gives you a sense of determination, a feeling that it will be done. Listen to the people around you and when they say they will try, notice if it gets done or not. Eliminate the word try from your dictionary and see how your life improves.

后一种方式给你的感受要比前一种好,不是吗?它给你一种坚定感,一种事情一定会完成的感觉。听听你身边的人怎么说,如果他们说他们会尽力,看看事情最后是不是完成了。从你的词典里删除“尽力”这个词,看看你的生活会如何改善。 \

This is another small word with a big impact. It disempowers us, makes us feel weak and helpless, and damages our self-esteem. It limits our infinite abilities and stifles creativity. Rub it out from your internal dictionary and replace it with something that makes you feel great. “不能”


Instead of (=Rather than) saying you can't, why not say something like \?\not to?\life.


Words may appear small and insignificant, yet they can have a deep and lasting effect on us. Mastering your language gives you the power to live whatever life you desire.

