
B)。由短文中提到的By performing smaller versions of large productions, producers are able to make people interested…可知,通过表演巨著的较短剧本,制片人在保证合理票价的同时可以使人们对此感兴趣,故B)为答案。

24.What is the purpose of the San Francisco Opera employing young students?

A) To reduce the cost.

B) To attract young people. C) To make Cinderella popular.

D) To celebrate its 75th anniversary. 正确答案为 A 你错选为 D!


A)。由短文末尾提到的…keeping costs down by employing students from its Young Artists' Training Programme.可知,旧金山歌剧院雇用年轻学生的目的是使演出成本降低,故A)为答案。

25.What can you infer from the passage?

A) Opera is not so popular an art form today.

B) Students enjoy performing operas very much.

C) The tickets for opera are very expensive at present.

D) Opera is performed in a language difficult to understand. 正确答案为 A 你错选为 D!



Part Ⅱ Reading

Section A Fill in Blanks

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please fill in the blanks with the corresponding letter for each item. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


If an animal is moved from its home in the tropics (热带) to a cold climate, it will die if it is not kept warm. And animals that get (26)used to cold climates will die if they move to the tropics. Many plants, too, will die if they are removed from the place where they (27)normally grow and are moved into an unfamiliar soil. Almost every species is adapted to life in a particular place by its organs and their functions and by (28)permanent habits. The specialized adaptation has great advantages, for it (29)enables many organisms to survive under different conditions. It also has disadvantages, for it means that the life of most species is controlled by (30)local conditions.

Living things are not (31)scattered over the earth freely; most species have definite habits for living places. Ecology (生态学) is the study of how organisms live in their environment. This means finding out how an organism survives and (32)reproduces in certain surroundings. By environment, we mean not only the soil and the climate but the living things of the same species and other species, plants or animals. Most living things are (33)slaves to their environment. Some can (34)alter certain features of their environment to suit themselves: A beaver (海狸), for example, can make ponds by building dams; many birds and insects can build elaborate nests to provide (35)shelter for their young. But these skills are restricted and highly specialized. Most organisms must adapt their bodies to fit in with their surroundings, and since they can adapt only for particular surroundings,

they are found only in places where they can live successfully with the least effort.

A) normally B) shelter C) assigned D) used E) scattered F) abundant G) surely H) alter I) reproduces J) permanent K) slaves L) approach M) enables N) alternative O) local

26.正确答案为 D) used 你选对了!

解析:D) used

used:综合理解题。上一句话说的是如果一种动物从热带迁徙到气候寒冷的地区,如果不能保持温暖它就会死掉,根据上文的意思,此句话要表达的是习惯了寒冷气候的动物如果到热带生活,它们会死掉,因此空格处的词语与get组成get used to短语,意思是“习惯于……”,所以此处填入used。






reproduces:语法结构题。此句的主语是an organism,空格处需要一个动词第三人称单数形式,与and前面的survives组成并列形式,表示的意思是“生殖,繁衍”,选项中只有reproduces符合题意,所以此处填入reproduces。
