人教版新目标Go for it(九年级全一册)Unit13-Unit14文本及翻译

人教版新目标Go for it(九年级全一册)Unit13-Uni14文本及翻译

Unit14 Section A 对话

Role-play the conversation.


Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Clara?

克拉拉,初中毕业后你会最想念哪几位老师? Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown. 李老师和布朗先生。

I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class.


She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.


Yes, and Mr. Brown guided me to do a lot better in science.


He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldn't understand anything.



人教版新目标Go for it(九年级全一册)Unit13-Uni14文本及翻译

Who will you miss? 你会怀念谁呢?

Ms. Griffin. She encouraged me in English class. 格里芬女士。在英语课上她鼓励我。 She always told me, \她总是告诉我,\你可以做到!\

Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.


Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?

我们给他们每个人买一张卡片和一件礼物来答谢好吗? Good idea. Let's go shopping tomorrow! 好主意。咱们明天去购物吧!

Unit14 Section A 短文

Read the passage and answer the questions.

阅读文章,回答问题。 I Remember 我记得


人教版新目标Go for it(九年级全一册)Unit13-Uni14文本及翻译

Looking back at these past three years 回顾这逝去的三年时光 I remember many things 我想起很多

Trying to be on time for morning readings 尽量按时早读

Running when the lunch bell rings 午餐铃响时飞奔

I remember the excitement 记得那兴奋的时光

Of the school sports clay each year 每年的学校运动会

The many long hours of training 进行长时间的训练

Pride of overcoming fear 因克服恐惧而骄傲

I remember starting day one 我记得上学的第一天

The shyest in my whole class 我是全班最害羞的

Never speaking to anyone 从不与别人交谈


人教版新目标Go for it(九年级全一册)Unit13-Uni14文本及翻译

And thinking I would not pass 我认为我迈不过这个坎

Then slowly I made some new friends 后来慢慢地我交了一些新朋友 To remember forever 永远记得

Helping each other with homework 作业上互相帮助

Getting better together 共同进步

Preparing for art festivals 为艺术节作准备

And making a great big mess 结果弄得一团糟

Having fun at New Year's parties 在新年聚会上开心地玩 Wishing everyone the best 给每个人最好的祝福

We have learned a different language 我们学习了一种不同的语言 That is from a foreign land 它来自异国他乡

