2016新课标三维英语 必修二 unit 1 单元小结

A.Pride. C.Excitement.

B.Praise. D.Kindness.

解析:选C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“This is the UK's largest archaeology project ... we stand to learn a great deal.”可知,对于这一发现他非常兴奋,故选C项。

31.What would be the best title for the text? A.The Museum of London B.A Roman road in Bedlam C.History of the Black Death D.Skeleton secrets in London

解析:选D 标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了伦敦修建车站时发现的一些遗骸,故用D项作为标题最恰当。


Part of the reason that English has grown as a world language is that it easily adjusts to (适应) change. However, this means that what one was taught as a child in school may be out of date many years later. When words or phrases change, it can make speakers feel “wrong” because they were taught that something else was “right.”

One example of this is a term connected to school itself. Today, it is common for people to say that they “graduated high school” or college. The word “graduate” has two common meanings. One is to mark off a series. The other meaning is closely related. As you move through

school, you cross off a series of achievements: grade school, middle school, high school, and college. So, in a way, school itself is “graduated.”

So, when people used to speak of getting a degree, they said they “graduated from college.” “To graduate college” would have meant to mark it off by year — the first year, the second year etc. Similarly, “to graduate to college” would have meant to complete high school and move up to the next level.

But as happens often in English, when people understand your meaning, smaller words can disappear. “I graduated college” is now easy to say. This may distress people who were taught that you had to use “from” to be correct. But this is not the first time this phrase has been simplified. It used to be that you said, “I was graduated from college,” instead of, “I graduated from college.”

You can't know what English will keep and what it will lose. Who could imagine that we would still say we “dial” a phone number when we now push buttons on our cellphone? Yet we know what it means.

语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了英语是一门不断发展变化的语言。 32.What do we know about the word “graduate”?


A.It has two similar meanings. B.There was a change in its meanings. C.It had nothing to do with school at first. D.It got an extra meaning during its development.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The word ‘graduate’ has two common meanings. One is to mark off a series. The other meaning is closely related.”可知,graduate一词有两个相近的意思。

33.Which of the following is the newest usage of “graduate”? A.I was graduated from college. B.I was to graduate to college. C.I graduated from college. D.I graduated college.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“what one was taught as a child in school may be out of date many years later”和第二段中的“One example of ... or college.”可知,I graduated college是最新的用法。

34.The underlined word “distress” probably means “________”. A.change C.worry

B.correct D.hurt

解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“who were taught that you had to use ‘from’ to be correct”可知,对于那些在学校学的是I graduated from college的人来说,他们认为I graduated college是错误的说法,然而现在人们却经常这样说,这让他们感到不安。故distress和worry意思相近。

35.What's the best title for the text? A.Right or wrong?

B.Words come and go in English C.English is a very changeable language D.How should English be taught in school?

解析:选B 标题归纳题。文章第一段点出英语在发展变化,第二至四段举例说明graduate一词的用法,最后一段中的“You can't know what English will keep and what it will lose.”更是点出文章的主旨。故B项作标题贴切。



Many of us believe that if we earned more money, were thinner, were married (or single), had


more friends, then we would be happy. What we fail to realize is that lasting happiness doesn't come from anything outside of ourselves. __36__ We create our own happiness. And we can start being happy by loving our lives exactly as they are right now. Here's how.

Live in the present. When you are living in the present, you are living where life is happening right now. You are in here and now, which is the only time you have any control over your situation. __37__ The only time you can truly love your life is when you are experiencing the present moment.

__38__ People waste valuable time and energy doing what they don't enjoy and later have regrets (懊悔) when they realize they could have lived a happier life. So make the choice to spend more time doing what you love. Doing the things that bring you joy creates positive emotions, improves general behavior, and makes you feel great.

Stop trying to please others. __39__ So why try? Your worth depends on no one else's acceptance. When you are busy trying to please others, you are not respecting your true self. The less you concentrate on others' opinions, the more time you have to concentrate on things that are important to you.

Value your loved ones.__40__ It's easy to get so busy in life that you forget how important your important relationships are. When you choose to value your loved ones more through loving words and actions, it may surprise you just how enjoyable and strong these relationships can become.

A.Do what brings you joy. B.Make the right choice to live. C.It just comes from our inside world. D.Everyone around you needs your care. E.The past is over, and the future is yet to come.

F.The truth is that you will never be able to please everybody. G.Be the best parent, partner, friend, son or daughter you can be. 答案:36~40 CEAFG

第三部分 英语知识运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Today, I went hiking with a friend of mine. The sky suddenly became covered with__41__ clouds, so we started walking down the mountain with a(n) __42__step than usual. After a little while, we __43__ a large group of children by chance. They were walking down the mountain as well. The path suddenly became __44__ for a few moments before the group was well ahead and out of __45__. Left behind were a young boy and his __46__. We slowed down for a bit to __47__ with


them about the weather before finally passing them. They __48__ again when my friend stopped to tie her shoe. Suddenly, the boy fell. Fortunately, my friend __49__ caught him as he was about to roll down the path. However, he got frightened and was __50__in his mother's arms. He said that his __51__ hurt and I could see the __52__ on the mother's face. I asked if I could help, with my friend __53__ that I was a nurse and I could give the boy a quick __54__ of his knee. Making sure that they needed nothing more __55__ we continued on, I decided to leave the pair sitting on a rock.

I only took a few steps forward before feeling that there was more that could be done. I said __56__ to my friend for slowing us down, then turned and asked the boy and his mother if they wanted us to __57__ and walk down with us. I could see the relief (宽慰) wash over the mother's face as she said “yes” and immediately __58__ up. The __59__ in New England had left the path covered with beautiful yellow leaves. Though we walked slowly, we talked __60__ with the boy and his mother. 语篇解读:本文讲述了作者一行人在山路上帮助一对母子的经历。 41.A.dark C.white

B.thin D.light

解析:选A 天空突然变得乌云密布,这里填dark最合适。 42.A.easier C.quicker

B.slower D.harder

解析:选C 根据上文可知,天空突然变得乌云密布,所以我们开始下山,步伐比平时“快”了点。

43.A.remembered C.heard

B.met D.mentioned

解析:选B 不一会儿,我们偶遇到一群孩子。meet ... by chance 意为“偶遇”。 44.A.crowded C.wide

B.flat D.empty

解析:选A 根据上文可知,这群人也下山,所以山路一下子变得很“拥挤”。 45.A.reach C.breath

B.control D.sight

解析:选D out of sight 意为“看不见”。 46.A.father C.sister

B.mother D.brother

解析:选B 根据下文可知,这位小男孩和他的母亲一起。 47.A.compete C.talk

B.fight D.argue

