

52.Even in paradise,it’s not good to be alone.即使在天堂,人们总是聚集在一起。

53.A table is not blessed if it has fed no scholars.不服务学者的桌子不值得拥有。

54.When spiderwebs unite,they can tie up a lion. 蛛网联结可束缚雄狮。 55.A single arrow is easily broken,but not a bunch.一箭易折,一束难折。 56.A single hand cannot lift the calabash to the head.单手难以提起葫芦头。 57.A harsh word dropped from the tongue cannot be brought back by a coach and six horses.一个人所说的难听的话即使用一辆有六匹马的马车也难以收回。 58.The spit aimed at the sky comes back to one.害人反害己。

59.Kick a stone in anger and harm your own foot.愤怒的踢石头反而伤害自己的脚。

60 .Sweep only in front of your own door.各扫自家门前雪。

61.He who stirs another’s porridge often burns his own.爱管闲事的人没有好下场

62..A zebra does not despise its stripes.知识(智慧)比珠宝更好.斑马不会小看它身上的条纹。

63.I dance to the tune that is played.我随着曲子起舞。

64.The candle of someone who lies almost always burns just to midnight.说谎者必半路败露其真面孔。P31

65.A house without an elderly person is like an orchard without a well.没有老者(长辈)的房子好比只有枯井的果园。P72

66.Don’t beat around the bush.不要拐弯抹角了。 67.Tell it like it is.P218实话实说.

68.One’s face is the mirror of one’s soul.脸是反映灵魂的镜子。P259 69.The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.眼睛能反映心灵的深度。

70.Thou tell’st me there is murder in mine eye.我从你的眼中看出一股杀气。P262

71.Just give me the bottom line.说个截止期限吧。

72..Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。


Chapter 1 P46

? Intercultural communication presents you with a challenge you must meet if you are to become an effective communicator in today’s world.

? New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the global economic arena have contributed to increased international contacts.Everyone worldwide will be affected by and need to communicate about finite natural resources and the environment to help reduce and avoid international conflict.

? Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers.

? Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.

? All cultures have a dominant or national culture that is normally defined by examining the people who control the power within the culture.

? Co-cultural communication is communication between members who hold two or more divergent cultural experiences that might influence the communication process.

? Communication accomplishes many interpersonal needs, helps establish personal identities, and has an influence on people.

? Communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of symbols.

? Communication is dynamic, symbolic, contextual, self-reflective, learned, and has a consequence.

? Culture and communication are so intertwined that it is easy to think that culture is communication and communication is culture.

? Culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival.

? Culture seeks to inform its members what to expect from life, and therefore reduces confusion and helps them predict what to expect from life.

? The elements that compose a culture are history, religion, values, social organizations, and language.

? Culture is learned, shared, and transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols and a dynamic and integrated system.

? Some of the problems with studying intercultural communication involve individual uniqueness, stereotyping, lack of objectivity, and viewing communication as a cure-all.

Chapter 2 P95-96

? The deep structures of a culture, which include such elements as family, history(country), and religion (worldview), are important because they carry a culture’s most important beliefs. Their messages endure, are deeply felt, and help supply much of a identity.

? Families can take a variety of different forms.

? Traditional definitions of “family” are undergoing changes in the United States

? Globalization has had a major impact on traditional family structures throughout the world.

? Families perform a series of key functions in all cultures. These functions include teaching members of the culture about reproduction, economics, socialization and religion, identity, and communication.

? The family also teaches gender roles, views on individualism and collectivism, perceptions of aging, and social skills. ? History and culture are interwoven.

? The study of intercultural communication and the study of history go hand in hand.

? History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us knowledge of antiquity.

? The influence of history is difficult to explain, because it contains all of the deep structure elements of culture.

? A culture’s history affects individual perception and behavior and how people relate to other cultures.

? Historical events help explain the character of a culture.

? History is a key element in developing a culture’s identity, values, goals, and expectations.

Chapter 3(不考)

? Worldview is a culture’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, the universe,life, death, sickness, and other philosophical issues concerning existence.

? Although worldview is communicated in a variety of ways (such as secularism and spirituality), religion is the predominant element of culture from which one’s worldview is derived.

? Although all religions have some unique features, they share many similarities. These include, among other things, speculation about the meaning of life, sacred scriptures, rituals, ethics, and a safe haven for their members. ? The six most prominent religious traditions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism,Buddhism, and Confucianism. These traditions present their members with advice on how to live life and with explanations about death.

Chapter 4 P182

? There are many reasons behind the need to understand identity, including personal and psychological well-being. Identity is also a focal point of intercultural communication, which is becoming increasingly important as a result of both globalization and domestic diversity within the United States. ? Identity is a highly abstract, dynamic, multifaceted concept that defines who you are. Turner places identities into three general categories: human, social, and personal.Hall uses three similar categories: personal, relational,and communal.

? Every individual has multiple identities—racial, ethnic, gender, national,

regional, organizational, personal, and perhaps cyber/fantasy—that act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation.

? Identity is acquired through interaction with other members of one’s cultural group.The family exerts a primary influence on early identity formation. Identity development models have been constructed by Phinney and by Martin and Nakayama.

? Identities are established through group membership and are enacted in a variety of ways, including rites of passage, personal appearance, and participation in com-memorative events. Concepts of identity within the same group can change over time.

? Identity plays a critical role in intercultural communication. Competent intercultural communication is achieved when the participants find commonality in ascribed and avowed identities.

? As society becomes increasingly multicultural, new concepts of cultural identity are evolving.

? Stereotyping occurs when persons categorize experiences about another group of people and let those categorizations guide their behavior. Stereotypes refer to the behavioral norm of the whole group of people, not individual persons.

? A prejudice is a strong feeling or attitude toward a particular social group or thing.

? Racist persons believe that their race is superior to another race of people. ? Ethnocentrism occurs when persons believe their culture is superior to other cultures.

Chapter 5 P219-220

? Culture and communication are so intertwined that it is easy to conceive of culture as communication and communication as culture.

? Culture seeks to tell its members what to expect from life, and thereby reduces confusion and helps predict the future.

? The basic elements of culture are history, religion, values, social organizations, and language.

? Culture is shared, learned behavior that promotes individual and social survival, adaptation, and growth and development.

? Culture most directly affects communication because culture is (1) learned, (2) transmitted from generation to generation, (3) based on symbols, (4) dynamic, and (5) an integrated process.

? Perception is best defined as “the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world.” ? Perception is the primary mechanism by which you develop your worldview.

? Beliefs are one’s convictions about the truth of something—with or without
