
wager that people in the Northern Hemisphere have roomier conceptions of personal space than those in the Southern. To an Englishman, a handshake can seem like trespassing, whereas to a Brazilian, anything less than a hug may come across as chilliness.

5 个人空间基本上是个公众场合的问题;私下里,我们允许对个人空间进行各种各样的侵犯。(没有这些“侵犯”,人类不可能存在。)如何界定个人空间的大小因地而异。住在加尔各答的人比科罗拉多的人个人空间要来得少。“别踩我”这句话只可能是由拥有大牧场的人杜撰发明的。我敢担保北半球的居民比南半球的个人空间的概念要宽大。对英国人来说,握个手简直就是擅闯禁地,而对巴西人来说,不给你来个拥抱就会给人一种冷若冰霜的感觉。 Like drivers who plow into your parked and empty car and don't leave a note, people no longer mutter \widely lamented. Manners, it seems to me, are about giving people space, not stepping on toes, granting people their private domain.

6 就像司机撞上你停着的空车连个条子也不留,人们撞上人再也不说声“对不起”。世风日下,哀声遍野。在我看来,礼貌就是给别人以空间,不冒犯他人,允许别人有隐私。 I've also noticed an increase in the ranks of what I think of as space invaders, mini-territorial expansionists who seize public space with a sense of manifest destiny. In movie theatres these days, people are staking a claim to both armrests, annexing all the elbow room, while at coffee shops and on the Long Island Railroad, individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.

7 我还注意到,那些我所认为的空间入侵者们的规模在不断扩大,这些小小的领土扩张主义者们带着舍我其谁的架势堂而皇之地侵占着公共空间。这些日子,在影剧院中,人们霸占着两边的扶手,吞并手肘的全部空间;在咖啡厅里和长岛的铁路上,往往一个人就占领了面对面的火车座,而这种座位本来是给4位顾客或乘客的。

Ultimately, personal space is psychological, not physical: it has less to do with the space outside us than with our inner space. I suspect that the shrinking of personal space is directly proportional to the expansion of self-absorption: people whose attention is inward do not bother to look outward. Even the focus of science these days is micro, not macro. The Human Genome Project is mapping the universe of the genetic code, while neuroscientists are using souped-up M.R.I. machines to chart the flight of neurons in our brains.

8 归根结底,个人空间是个心理上的问题,而非物理上的问题:与其说它与我们的外部空间相关,不如说它与人的内心空间相关。我怀疑个人空间的缩水直接与自我专注的扩大成比例:那些只关注自我的人根本不屑于关注外部世界。这些日子,甚至科学研究都聚焦于微观世界而非宏观领域。人类基因组工程正力图绘制基因代码的全貌,神经科学家们正使用加强


In the same way that the breeze from a butterfly's wings in Japan may eventually produce a tidal wave in California, I have decided to expand the contracting boundaries of personal space. In the line at my bank, I now refuse to move closer than three feet to the person in front of me, even if it means that the fellow behind me starts breathing down my neck

9 正如日本一只蝴蝶轻舞飞扬可能最终引发加利福尼亚的一场海啸,我决心一己之力拓展不断收缩的个人空间。在我办事银行的队伍中,如果前面有人,我一定和他最少保持3英尺的距离,即便排在我后面的人的呼吸在我脖颈上都感受得到也在所不惜。

Unit 3 Alienation and the Internet 因特网与人际之疏远

1. The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas. Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage,it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters.1 It is my personal belief that the human potential can only be realized by the globalization of ideas. I developed this position2 years before the Internet came into wide spread use. And I am excited at the potential for the Internet to dramatically alter our global society for the better. However I am also troubled by the possible unintended negative consequences.


2. There has been much talk about the―new information age.‖But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.3 At first this might sound like an apparent contradiction:how can something,that is on the one hand responsible for global unification by enabling the free exchange of ideas,alienate the participants? 关于―新的信息时代‖人们谈论得很多。但是,互联网使网民之间彼此疏远,从而导致社会的进一步土崩瓦解,对这方面的报道却少得多。乍听起来这似乎相互矛盾:一种东西怎么会既能让人们自由地交流思想,从而使全球融为一体,同时又让参与者彼此疏远呢? 3. I had a recent discussion with a friend of mine who has what he described as a―problem‖with the Internet. When I questioned him further he said that he was―addicted,‖4 and has―forced‖himself to go off-line. He said that he felt like an alcoholic,in that moderate use of the Internet was just not possible for him.5 I have not

known this fellow to be given to exaggeration,therefore when he described his internet binges,6 when he would spend over twenty-four hours on line non-stop,it gave me pause to think. He said,―the Internet isn?t real,but I was spending all my time on line,so I just had to stop.‖He went on to say that all of the time that he spent on line might have skewed7 his sense of reality,and that it made him feel lonely and depressed.


4. The fragmentation of society has been lamented for some time now. It seems to me that it probably began in earnest after World War II when a generation returned from doing great deeds overseas. They won the war,and by God they were going to win the peace.








created.―Progress‖was their mantra.8 So even prior to the Internet?s widespread popularity,folks were already becoming distanced from their extended families and neighbors. And when we fast-forward to today we see an almost cruel irony in that people can and often do develop on-line relationships with folks on the other side of the globe,without leaving their homes. But at the expense of the time that would have otherwise been available for involvement in other activities which might foster a sense of community in their villages,towns and cities.


5. Last weekend my wife and I invited our extended family to our home to celebrate our daughter?s birthday. During the celebration my young nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing a simulated war game. My brother-in-law and I were chatting nearby and it struck us that in generations past,his son,my nephew,would have been outside playing with his friends. But now the little fellow goes on line to play his games against his friends in cyberspace.


6. It seems to me that the Internet is a powerful tool that presents an opportunity for the advancement of the acquisition and application of knowledge. However,based on my personal experience I can understand how,as they surf the web some folks might be confronted with cognitive overload.9 And I can also understand how one might have his or her sense of reality distorted in the process. Is the Internet a real place?Depending upon how a―real place‖is defined it might very well be. At the very least,I believe that when we use the Internet,we are forced to ask fundamental questions about how we perceive the world about us—perhaps another unintended consequence. Some would argue that the virtual existences created by some users who debate,shop,travel and have romance on line are in fact not real. While others would argue that,since in practical terms,folks are debating,shopping,traveling and having romance,the converse is true.对我来说,因特网似乎是个强大的工具,它给人们提供一个不断获取和应用知识的机会。然而,通过我自己的亲身经历,我能够理解当某些人上网的时候,是如何面临认知超载的。我也同样明白一个人的现实感在上网过程中如何被扭曲。网络空间是真实的吗?按照界定―真实处所‖的定义,网络空间很可能是真实的。退一万步说,我相信上网时,我们会被迫拷问自己一些基本问题,比如我们如何感知周围的世界——或许这是另一个预料之外的后果。有人或许会说,用户在网上唇枪舌剑、购物旅游、谈情说爱的虚拟存在并不真实;而另一些人主张说,按实际的说法,人们确实在网上唇枪舌剑、购物旅游、谈情说爱,那么网络世界就应该是真实的。

7. All of this being said,I believe that the key to realizing the potential of the Internet is in achieving balance in our lives. This would allow us to maximize its potential without losing our sense of place.10 However like most things that is easier said than done. It seems to me that we are a society that values immediate gratification above all else,and what better place to achieve it than in cyberspace,where the cyber-world is your cyber-oyster. The widespread use of the automobile forever changed our society and culture,and perhaps a similar sort of thing is occurring now. I am not at all certain where the―information superhighway‖will lead us:some say to Utopia,12 while others feel it?s the road to hell. But I do know that we all have the ability to maintain our sense of place in the world. Whether we choose to take advantage of this ability is another matter. 说了这么多,我认为发挥因特网潜能的关键在于在生活中取得平衡。这能使我们最大程度地挖掘网络潜能而不迷失自己。然而,就像大多数事理那样,说易行难。在我看来,我们这个
