
How in the final exam!

33.(1.5分)什么也不能阻止我们参加这次慈善活动. Nothing can the charity activity.

34.(1.5分)步行上班代替开车将有助于减少空气污染. air pollution.


Tan Dun's music . 八、书面表达 36.(15分)初三的学习生活繁忙中有困惑、泪水,也有进步、喜悦.请根据表格提示,写一篇题为\的短文,介绍九年级的学校生活,并提出希望和建议. 注意:要点表达齐全,可适当发挥;不得透漏真实学校和姓名;词数100左右(开头已给,不计入总词数). 在校 周末 愿望 老师 学生 作业 工作认真负责,充满爱心 ……(至少发挥两点) 作业多,舍弃爱好 其它活动 锻炼,电视 ……(发挥一到两点) Our school life in Grade Nine It is more than half a year since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now. 第13页(共38页)




1.(1分)﹣ Many people are watching show called Singer now. Have you seen it, Mary?

﹣ Yes, it's quite excellent show, so I can't wait to turn on the TV when I get home.( ) A.a; the

B.the; the

C.a; an

D.the; an

【解答】考查冠词.句意\﹣﹣现在很多人都在看《歌手》节目,你看过吗,玛丽?﹣﹣是的,这是一个非常好的节目,所以我回家迫不及待地打开电视.\.第一个空,特指《歌手》这个节目.用定冠词the.第二个空,泛指一个非常好的节目.excellent是以元音音素/e/开头的,用an修饰. 故选:D.

2.(1分)Many people this cultural Tv program can get the public interested in ancient Chinese poems.( ) A.invent 【解答】答案:B

A发明.B期待.C管理.D致力于、奉献.结合语境\许多人__﹣这部文化电视节目能引起公众对中国古代诗歌的兴趣.\.可知,应该是\期待\,选B. 3.(1分)You play such a big joke on him. How angry he was!( ) A.can't




B.expect C.manage


【解答】考查情态动词.A不可能.B不必.C不应该.D不允许.结合语境\你___对他开这么大的玩笑.他多生气啊!\.可知,应该是\不应该\. 故选:C.

4.(1分)﹣Daisy, go and see what is happening to the windows. ﹣Nothing serious. The heavy rain is beating ______ them.( ) A.against






身上.\.beat against撞上,打上.固定的搭配. 故选:A.

5.(1分)You don't know what great difficulty I had _____ to get the two tickets. But the film is really worth_______ twice.( ) A.managing; seeing C.managing; being seen

B.to manage; seeing D.managed; to be seen

【解答】答案:A.结合 what great difficulty I had _____ to get the two tickets.联想到have difficulty in doing sth做某事很困难,下文be worth doing sth值得做某事,故选A.

6.(1分)Billy once promised to himself that he would never give up his dream came true.( ) A.when



D.as 【解答】国家体育:比利曾经向自己保证,他永远不会放弃,直到实现他的梦想.结合选项,A.当…时 B.自从 C.直到 D.作为,可知考查句型:never…until直到…才. 故选:C.

7.(1分)The little girl likes staying with her grandfather because he can always _______new stories for her( ) A.bring up

B.put up C.make up

D.take up

【解答】bring up养育,put up举起,张贴,make up组成,编造,take up开始从事,占用;结合句意\这个小女孩喜欢和她祖父在一起,因为他总是能为她编些新故事\可知,要填\编造\. 故选:C.

8.(1分)﹣ Richard is studying in Germany. I wonder . ﹣ On the phone.( )

A.why do his parents keep in touch with him B.why his parents keep in touch with him C.how do his parents keep in touch with him D.how his parents keep in touch with him

【解答】考查宾语从句.宾语从句中,从句通常用陈述语序.主语his parents在


前.A,C不正确.结合语境\﹣﹣理查德在德国学习,我不知道他的父母__与他保持联系.﹣﹣在电话上.\.可知,应该是\如何\.用how.A不正确. 故选:D.

9.(1分)一The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive. 一Don't worry.You can enjoy yourself.It's my .( ) A.time 【解答】答案:C

time时间;task任务;treat款待;taste味道;根据The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive.可知对方对菜的价格很担忧,所以此处要消除其顾虑,主动请客,It's my treat.我请客.故选C.

10.(1分)﹣How about going shopping together at one o'clock this afternoon? ﹣______. Will three o'clock be OK?( ) A.Sorry, I can't make it B.Certainly, no problem

B.task C.treat D.taste

C.Sure, it depends on you D.Sorry, I'm not free today

【解答】Sorry, I can't make it对不起,我做不到;Certainly, no problem当然,没问题;Sure, it depends on you当然,这取决于你;Sorry, I'm not free today 对不起,我今天没空.根据Will three o'clock be OK,从这里判断上面说的一点钟是不可能的. 故选:A. 二、完形填空

11.(12分)I like to walk in the early morning with my dog. On this fantastic Saturday morning I was enjoying the quiet morning and beautiful weather and loving life while my dog Jett and I made our (1) C rounds(巡回). At one home I passed, I noticed a newspaper that was lying near the edge(边缘) of the street

(2) A near the doorstep. Thinking I would make someone else's life a little easier, I decided to (3) B the paper and gently throw it towards their door. (4) D , my aim was way off and instead of landing on the doorstep

