
板书新单词:lazy. The students guess the meaning of “lazy” 4. T: Is Daming lazy in class?

Ss: No, he isn’t. 引导学生说:He works hard. 强调第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。 5. T:Daming isn’t naughty in class. And he isn’t lazy in class. How about his work? (Show the students a paper. 出示一张Daming 100分的试卷)

板书: His work is good. (强调work是名词,表示功课)

6. Have the students talk about Daming’s performance in class. T: Is Daming naughty in class?

Ss: No, he isn’t. He isn’t naughty in class. T: Is Daming lazy in class?

Ss: No, he isn’t. He isn’t lazy in class. Ss: His work is good.

T: His parents are happy with that.

7. Have the students listen to the dialogue and find “am, is, are” One students say the sentences, the other students repeat.

8. Have the students repeat and imitate the dialogue. Then read it in different roles.

9. Do the exercises in Activity book. Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. Review the adjective words with the cards. The students can do some actions about the words. Then make a dialogue in groups.

先集体复习学过的形容词,然后根据老师给出的文本例子,以小组为单位,编写新歌谣, 上台边做动作边说歌谣。

The example:

naughty naughty. ? is naughty.

shy shy ? is shy.

clever clever ? is clever.

quiet quiet ? is quiet.

We are good friends. We are good friends.

2.Game: 记忆力大比拼

男女分为两组。每个人在卡纸上写出自己的两个特点。找五个女生上台,卡纸向全班同学展示3秒钟。女生根据老师出示的形容词卡片来问男生:Is she?.? 男生回答:Yes, she is.或者No, she isn’t. 然后再找无名男生上台,方法同前。

Step 4 Summary

T:Can you talk about Daming’s performance in class? S1: He isn’t naughty in class. S2: He isn’t lazy. S3:His work is good.

Have the students read the key words and key sentences on blackboard.

Step 5 Homework

a) Listen and repeat the dialogue for 5 times. b) Write the new words and sentences for 2 lines. c) Talk about your friend with your parents.

Step 6 Blackboard design

Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard.

lazy Is Daming naughty in class? work hard No, he isn’t. work His work is good.

Unit 2 She’s quite good at English.

一. 教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标

? 学生会谈论学习成绩和表现等。

? 认读单词:quite, good at, say, try, fast. ? 初步认读句子:She’s good at?

She’s quite good at? She tries hard at? She doesn’t work hard at? 2、情感态度目标


二. 教学重点及难点

? 重点:掌握新单词,了解新句型,在此基础上理解课文内容。并能简单的利用句型描述他人各个科目的成绩。

? 难点:try 的第三人称单数;quite和quiet的区别。 三.课前准备 本课单词卡片,VCD。 a)教学过程 Step 1 Warm up

i. Review the adjective words with the cards.

ii. Free talk:

S1: I’m very naughty. But I’m very clever. T: Is S1 naugty in class? Ss: Yes, he is. T:Is he quiet? Ss: No, he isn’t. ??.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. 出示一张成绩单,数学是100分。 T:This student is very good at Maths. 板书good at. 帮助学生理解意思。 2. T: Are you good at Maths? S1: Yes, I am. S2: No, I’m not.

3. T: How about Lingling? Is she good at Maths? Let’s watch the video. Play the video and have the students answer the question. T: Is she good at Maths?

Ss: Yes, she is. She is good at Maths.

d) T: Look at your paper. What about her English? What about her Science? Now let’s listen to the radio and finish the report.


Report: Lingling Maths: very good English: _______ Science: _______
