
Purchasing Manager to review the purchasing procedure. I’m sure my boss and Tony will have some questions then, so next we’ll have questions. Then, we can go on to a discussion. Finally, hopefully, we’ll make a decision and close the meeting. There, that should do it! Conversation 4

A: Hello! Why don’t you sit here? Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? C: Thanks! Coffee, please.

A: Good afternoon, Tony. Here’s a seat for you.

B: Is everyone here yet?

A: No, not quite. The accountant has still to come. Boss, here’s your coffee. B: Thanks. I want to get started on time. A: Yes, I know. I’m sure we will. Conversation 5

D: Hello! Accountant’s Office.

A: Hello! This is Leon. Our boss wants to call a meeting to discuss a particular problem.

Can you make it tomorrow afternoon? D: Tomorrow afternoon? What time? A: He’d like to begin at 2:30, in the conference room.

D: Yes. I think I can make it. I have a lunch meeting, but I’ll hurry back in time for the meeting.

A: Good. I’ll bring the information to your office in a little while. D: Oh! OK. Thanks. Conversation 6

B: So, from our discussion this afternoon, it sounds like what we need to do is to stop the payment on this cheque, and contact our lawyer. Is that the decision you all think we should make?

C: I’ll begin looking for new suppliers. That seems to be important, as wall. B: Yes, it is. We must do that.

D: I’ll call the bank immediately and stop payment.

B: And, Tony, we’ll follow your advice and

turn the rest over to our lawyer. That seems to be the best way to handle this – for all of us. Part3.2

(G: George; M: Mary)

M: George, could you help me plan this meeting? I don’t have much experience planning meetings and you’ve been with the company for a long time. So… G: When is this meeting, Mary? M: Well, it’s this Friday.

G: Friday, hmm. What kind of meeting is it going to be?

M: We’re going to have a meeting with some new clients and try to get them to buy our new line of sportswear.

G: Well, that sounds easy. The first thing we need to do is to create an agenda for the meeting and then give copies of it to everyone who is going to be attending. M: No problem, I have a list of all the people right here. The boss says that he wants

the people from the sales department and the design department to give a short presentation.

G: OK, but we should let them know as soon as possible. Ask them how long they will need for their presentations. Also, we should ask them if they are going to need anything special for the meeting, like a projector. I remember one time I forgot to ask about this and it was really embarrassing to be unprepared. Which meeting room are you going to use? M: Er, I think we should use 401; it’s the most comfortable room.

G: Good idea. Is the boss going to make a presentation, too?

M: Yes, he wants to tell the clients about the history of our company.

G: OK, let’s write the agenda. It’s this Friday, the 1st of December. What time does the meeting start?

M: 10:00 am, and it should be finished by
