
北京腾达教育 www.51tengdaedu.com 英语(二)每日一练


下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中10个词取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 Language is one of the things that sets us apart as beings, one of the things that essentially ___1__ us as humans. When language is used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others to __2___ and define the nature of our relationships. Sometimes in poetry the

juxtaposition(并列)of two words or a certain phrase can bring __3_ to the eyes, call up a whole host of imagery and move us deeply. We have seen language recently used in the politics of

persuasion, used for __4__ or ill – depending on our viewpoint. When we use language to __5___ our true feeling to someone it can open and deepen the connection between us. Language is a very __6___ tool. How we use language shapes our world both _7__ and externally. How you use self-talk – what you say to yourself about yourself and about the world directly __8_ your

experience of both yourself and the world. How you deliver communication shapes the way the world ___9__ you. We can use language more effectively in both spheres: internal and external and directly influence the health and power of our __10__ relationships and our business relationships.

A. responds to B. personal C. express D. shapes E. tears F. action G. define H. powerful I. internally J. effectively K. impress L. good

Keys: 1-5 GFELC 6-10 HIDAB



Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than

anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow (弓). He was known as the hero of a hundred adventures.

Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was. So Hercules went away. He walked the whole day and the next day and the next. He walked for months before he saw mountains far in the distance one fine morning. One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head. He was holding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help. Atlas answered, \I fetch the golden apples for you?\

Hercules climbed the mountain and shouldered the sky. Soon the sky grew very heavy. When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, \

mountain forever. I'm going to see the king with the apples.\him because of the sky on his back. So he shouted: \hurting. Hold the sky for a minute while I make a cushion (垫子) for my shoulders.\ Atlas believed him. He threw down the apples and held up the sky. Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king. 1. Hercules was the tallest man in the world . A Ture B False C Not Given 2. Hercules worked in the king's garden . A Ture B False C Not Given

3. Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him . A Ture B False C Not Given

4. The king sent Hercules to get the apples because Hercules knew where the garden was. A Ture B False C Not Given 5. Hercules found the garden very soon. A Ture B False C Not Given 6. Atlas was the giant who held up the sky. A Ture B False C Not Given 7. Atlas ran faster than Hercules .

A Ture B False C Not Given

8. Hercules could defeat Atlas if he didn’t carry the mountain. A Ture B False C Not Given

9. Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because he wanted to be the king himself. A Ture B False C Not Given

10. Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas . A Ture B False C Not Given

Keys: 1-5 ACABB 6-10 ACCBB


Directions: complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1. This system could deliver services to local communities more ______. (effective, effectively) 2. His comments sparked an angry _______ (respond, response) from dissatisfied customers. 3. Checks are made to ___________ (discover, discovery) whether applicants have a criminal record.

4. If any of these symptoms _________ (occur, occurrence) while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.

5. The museum is full of _______ (rare, rarely) and precious treasures.

6. Do you agree with the use of animals in ________ (science, scientific) experiments? Keys:

1. effective 2. response 3. discover 4. occur 5. rare 6. scientific



Directions: complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1. He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of ________. (recognize, recognition). 2. After long ________ (reflect, reflection) we decided to purchase the house.

3. For years General Motors (GM) was the __________ (disputed, undisputed) giant of the world’s car industry.

4. We can’t conclude that the frequent transfer from one job to another undermines _______ (loyal, loyalty).

5. Vitamins are __________ (essential, essentially) to the proper nourishment of the body. 6. They answered with _______ (assure, assurance) that it was against the rules.


1. recognition 2. reflection 3. undisputed 4. loyalty 5. essential 6. assurance




Twitter’s Most Influential Users

① Twitter is today’s most popular social networking site. What is it that drives people to Twitter, drives the trending topics, and directs the discussions people are having on Twitter? The most influential Twitter users! These are the people that can get Twitter users tweeting and can get a large number of followers. These are the top categories of Twitter’s most influential users. . ② Celebrities will always have a large influence on society. The influence they have on twitter is incredible. Twitter is an easy way for fans to connect with their favorite celebrity and many celebrities are taking advantage of Twitter’s popularity. Every celebrity tweet starts a firestorm of tweets, replies, and discussion about what a celebrity just tweeted. A good example of this is ….Moreover, because there are so many celebrity tabloids(小报), simple tweets about their everyday lives will also become front-page news .

③ News organizations do play a large role in getting news out to people through Twitter and influencing the discussions that take place on Twitter as we’re all affected by the news of the day. Retweets by twitter users of important stories are an easy and powerful way to get the word out about a story they think is important. Twitter allows news organizations to let people know about


an event very quickly, and …..We will always have the need for news organizations to provide us with information on the world’s events. Twitter makes spreading those news stories quickly very easy.

④ With more politicians creating Twitter accounts, Twitter has become a way for users to spread the word about a politician they support and for politicians to get the word out to more people about upcoming events and their general message. Following and listing politicians gives users a simple way to stay connected with and informed about what those politicians want to communicate. Politicians will always have an influence on our daily lives and they also have quite an influence on Twitter.

⑤ Twitter’s popularity blows out of proportion with millions of people joining, including celebrities and businesses. This will, in turn, prompt a good majority of the internet society to join and see what the whole fuss was about by joining, tweeting and using all the Twitter related services. 1. Paragraph ①: 2. Paragraph ②: 3. Paragraph ③: 4. Paragraph ④: 5. Paragraph ⑤:

A. News organizations B. The most influential users C. Influences D. Celebrities

E. Twitter’s opportunity F. Politicians

Keys: 1-5 BDAFE





People who sleep for more than eight hours a night do not live as long as those who sleep for six hours,according to the biggest study yet into sleep patterns and mortality(死亡率).

Scientists have no explanation for the findings and do not know if they mean people who like a lie in(睡懒觉)can extend their lives by sleeping less.

Although it is a common belief that sleeping for at least eight hours a night is vital for health and well—being. The six year study involving more than 1.1 million Americans older than 30 found that those who slept for 1ess than eight hours were far from doing themselves any long-term harm.

