

Finally, it was time to return. We started to go down and it seemed that we were going to 38 the runway and land in trees, but somehow we landed on the ground, gradually slowing. It seemed like forever until the plane actually stopped. I was excited to 39 off and it felt good to have my feet back on the ground. The smile on my dad’s face 40 I had given him the best gift. The unforgettable Father’s Day was complete with an old plane, and huge smiles on our faces.

31. A. advice 32. A. nervous 33. A. talk 34. A. running 35. A. fear 36. A. remember 37. A. deeply 38. A. enter 39. A. set 40. A. proved

B. gift B. excited B. joke B. turning B. mark B. mention B. easily B. miss B. put B. planned

C. excuse C. painful C. secret C. lifting C. light C. understand C. heavily C. destroy C. get C. pictured

D. prize D. satisfied D. experience D. breaking D. smile D. introduce D. quickly D. find D. take D. promised

阅读理解(共 50 分)

六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选

择最佳选项。(共 30 分,每小题 2 分)

Amy A

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time. Me, on the other hand, I should say my big problem is that I can’t get myself organized! So I am wondering what your ways of getting organized are. Reply below. I’m hoping you can offer some suggestions on better study skills.



Lately, I’ve started keeping a small study diary. I write down everything I need to do and when it needs to be done by. Then I write a reminder a few days before the date just in case. It’s helping. Good question, Amy. I always spend about five minutes at the end of the day tidying up the desktop on my computer. I make a copy of important documents.

The most important thing is to start a few weeks before the exams and not to leave it until the night before! That’s just common sense, I think.

My tip is to have a big noticeboard in your bedroom, divided into different parts. I’ve got one. It’s a whiteboard. I’ve got a part for each school subject and another part for other things. I use board pens to

write reminders and I make sure I look at them every day. Hana



41. What’s Amy’s big problem?

A. She can’t do her homework.

C. She can’t get herself organized.

B. She always forgets study skills. D. She always asks others for help.

42. Who has kept a small study diary?

A. Ted. B. Hana.

43. Gloria thinks the most important thing is A. to start early before the exams

C. to make a copy of important things

C. Gloria.

. D. Lou.

B. to write a reminder D. to use a big whiteboard

44. How many students replied to Amy?

A. Two. B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five.

B My Teacher

During my school life, I have come across several teachers. None has impressed me so much as our English teacher, Mr. Leo. He has been teaching me English for the last two years. He is a very lovable person, soft-spoken and good-mannered. He is not big in his shape but it is very well made up by his talents and ability. He always comes, neatly dressed, and bears a confident look. Naturally, everyone respects him.

It is a pleasure to listen to him when he teaches English, no matter it is prose (散

文) or poetry (诗歌). He always uses very simple words in his class so that even an average student could follow him. He would never go on further until everyone can understand him. When he finds somebody has difficulty, he will spare no pains to help.

Born a poetry lover, Mr. Leo teaches poetry with passion. He has a way to get into the spirit of the poet, he always carries the whole class with him in the enjoyment of the poem. Whether it is “Oh! Captain, My Captain!” “The Road Not Taken” or “When We Two Parted”, he makes us remember the lesson through his attractive way of teaching. Besides all these things, he has also been a very good coach when it comes to exams, although he insists that they are not everything.

During his free hours, he can be found in the school library looking through among the books and magazines. We can get close to him easily and talk to him about our problems, doubts, and everything. With his knowledge, character and wisdom, he always manages to help us out. He always looks at the bright side of things and also expects the best from us. He leaves the lasting stamp of his personality on our characters.

Many people walk into our life, but few have an influence as great as his.

45. Why does Mr. Leo always use simple words in class?

A. He wants to get a bit more respect. B. He thinks prose and poetry are difficult. C. He fails to go on further with his lessons. D. He makes sure average students can follow. 46. What makes Mr. Leo’s way of teaching attractive?

A. He is a very good coach of exams.

B. He can remember many famous poems. C. He tells students exams are not important. D. He brings students the enjoyment of poems. 47. has a lasting influence on the students’ characters.

A. Mr. Leo’s love B. Mr. Leo’s personality

C. Mr. Leo’s talent

D. Mr. Leo’s knowledge . B. polite and funny

D. brave and patient

48. In the writer’s eyes, Mr. Leo is A. busy and strict

C. talented and caring


Ever lie down in your chair in the middle of class, feeling tired, low on energy and less focused (专注 的)?

There may just be a simple solution for that common classroom problem you and your classmates experience. Four words: move the chair away.

That’s right. With the help of the group Stand Up Kids, Vallecito Elementary School in California became the first in the United States to replace all sitting desks with standing desks. These standing desks

have wheels and fidget bars. Wheels allow the desks to be moved easily. The bars let kids move in a way that doesn’t interrupt the class. Kids can change the desks to different heights. If tired, they can take breaks by sitting on the floor.

“Vallecito is now the first all-standing school,” said Juliet Starrett, who started the group Stand Up Kids. Her goal is to have every U.S. public school kid using a standing desk within the next 10 years.

Tracy Smith, principal of Vallecito Elementary School, is “100 percent behind it” when she talks about using standing desks. While students were tired from standing all day at first, Smith said within a few months, they were more focused, confident and productive. Studies also show that allowing kids to stand more during the day can improve their grades up to 15 percent.

In a 2014 public meeting, Jason McCann, President of Gemmy Industries, said, “Indeed, some famous writers, such as Charles Dickens and Ernest Hemingway, all worked at their own standing desks, which says something about creativity.”

Standing desks are also a great way to solve overweight problems among students. According to The American Journal of Public Health, kids using standing desks in a classroom can burn 17 percent more calories than those who use sitting desks.

But not everyone is sure that standing is better than sitting. Some parents and teachers worry that kids will get tired and that standing for long periods of time may be harmful. And standing desks are much more expensive nowadays.

What do you say? Do you think standing school desks are the next big thing? Are you ready to stand up and join the kids in Vallecito Elementary School?

49. Kids who use standing desks can A. badly interrupt the class

C. hardly move the desks


B. change the heights of the desks D. take breaks by sitting in a chair

50. What can we learn from this passage?

A. Standing desks can help kids get more focused. B. Many public schools are using standing desks now.
