
Her conduct was beyond criticism. 她的品行无可指责。

critic n. person who makes judgments about the good and bad qualities of sth.; person who points out mistakes 评论家;批评者

[] n.[C]

1. 批评家,评论家

He is a very famous film critic. 他是一个很有名气的电影评论家。

criticize vt.

[] vt.

1. 批评;批判;苛求;非难[(+for)]

He criticized her in a very unfair way. 他极不公平地指谪她。 2. 评论;评价

It's hard to criticize one's own work. 评价自己的工作并非易事

philosophy n. 哲学

[] n.

1. 哲学[U]

He majors in philosophy. 他主修哲学。 2. 哲学体系[C]

He is looking for a philosophy he can believe in. 他在寻求一种他可以相信的哲学。 3. 哲理;原理[U][C]

He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。 4. 人生哲学;宗旨;见解[U][C]

Eat, drink, and be merry -- that's his philosophy. 吃喝玩乐,那就是他的人生哲学。 5. 哲人态度;达观;镇静[U]

Accept bad news with philosophy. 以豁达的态度来接受坏消息。

resent vt. feel angry or bitter at 对...仇恨;对...不满



1. 愤慨;怨恨[+v-ing]

He did not appear to resent it. 他好像对此并不生气。

action n. the process of doing things; sth. done 行动过程;行动

[] n.

1. 行动;行为;活动[U][C] The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burned down. 消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。 2. 作用[U]

The action of water on rock should be taken into account. 应考虑到水对岩石的作用。 3. 情节[the S]

All the action in the play takes place at one railroad station. 该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。 4. 战斗[C][U] 5. 诉讼[C]

Finally she had to file an action for divorce. 最后她只好提出离婚诉讼。

custom n. 习惯;风俗

[] n.

1. (社会,团体的)习俗,惯例[C][U]

The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 庆祝圣诞节是一种风俗。 2. (个人的)习惯[C]

3. (顾客对商店等的)惠顾[U];顾客[U] 4. (常大写)海关[the P]

Did you have any trouble with the Customs? 你通过海关有麻烦吗? 5. 关税[P]

perpetual a. never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping 永恒的;连续不断的

[] a.

1. 永久的;长期的

They hoped to live in perpetual happiness. 他们希望生活在永久幸福之中。

2. 【口】无休止的;连续不断的

I'm tired of your perpetual nagging. 我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。 3. 无限期的;终身的

He was perpetual president of the country. 他是该国的终身总统。 4. 四季开花的

That is a hybrid perpetual rose. 那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。 n.

constitution n. 宪法;章程

[] n.

1. 宪法;章程,法规[C]

The written constitution of the United States was adopted in 1787. 美国的成文宪法于一七八七年通过。 2. 体质,体格[C][U]

The young man has a strong constitution. 这位年轻人身强力壮。

3. (事物的)构造,组成(方式)[C][U] 4. (规章等的)制定;(团体等的)设立[U]

living a. alive now 活(着)的 [] a.

1. 活的;活着的

All the living presidents attended Nixon's funeral. 所有活着的总统参加了尼克松的葬礼。 2. 现存的

3. 在活动中的;在使用着的 a living language 仍在使用的语言

4. 充满生气的;活跃的;生动的

The wilderness is a living museum of natural history. 这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。 5. 逼真的

6. 生活的;维持生活的

Living conditions have improved here. 这里的生活条件已得到改善。 7. 适于居住的

remark vt. say; comment 说;评论说;

n. 话语;评论

[] vt.

1. 谈到;评论;说[Y][+(that)]

A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease. 一家地方报纸评论说犯罪案件在减少。 2. 注意,看到;觉察

I remarked the tense atmosphere as soon as I entered the room. 我一走进房间,就觉察到了紧张的气氛。 vi.

1. 谈论,议论;评论[(+on/upon)]

Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries. 史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。 n.

1. 言辞;谈论,评论[C][(+on/upon/about/at)] He had a habit of making humorous remarks. 他有说幽默话的习惯。 2. 注意;察觉[U]

He saw nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition. 他在展览会上没有看到值得注目的东西。

evil n. sth. bad; sin 邪恶;罪恶

a. very bad 邪恶的;坏的

[] a.

1. 邪恶的;罪恶的

The man was punished for his evil acts. 此人因其恶行受到惩罚。

2. 【口】讨厌的,令人不舒服的 3. 有害的,恶毒的 4. 不幸的,倒霉的 n.

1. 邪恶,罪恶[U]

Some people return good for evil. 有些人以德报怨。 2. 坏事;谗言[C][U] 3. 祸害,不幸[C][U]

Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils. 金钱被认为是万恶之源。

idealism n. 理想主义;唯心主义

[] n.[U]

1. 理想主义

2. 【哲】唯心论;观念论,理念论
