2013-2014学年高中英语外研版必修五教师用书Module 1 British and American English - 图文

Cut the chatter and get on with your work! 别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。 Don't let me stop you,do get on! 别让我打断你工作,继续干吧!

get out of(使)逃避;避免;摆脱 get over痊愈,康复;克服(困难)等 get off下车;出发

get through到达;做完;通过;打通 get back回来;取回

get away逃脱;离开,出发;把??带走,送走 get into进入;陷入;养成(习惯) get down to开始,着手

get in收割;收获;被接受(入学);当选


①He has been trying for years to get that club. ②It took me a long time to get my cold. ③I don't know how they get these cold winters. ④I am surprised at how well you all get . ⑤Jason saw me and got the horse immediately. 【答案】 ①in ②over ③through ④on ⑤off

2.pick up拿起;接载;驾车迎接(某人);康复;(偶然)学得;结识;加速;接收;收听(广播)

If Callum picked up the local accent he started to use it.(教材P7)如果卡勒姆“学会”当地口音,他开始使用它。

She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。

He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders. 他抱起孩子让她骑在自己的肩膀上。

The children picked up many sea shells at the sea shore.孩子们在海边捡到了许多贝壳。

pick out挑选出;了解;领会 pick on挑选;选中;批评

pick and choose挑三拣四,仔细挑选

pick sth.from sth.从??摘下(剔去); 从??捡起

I have picked out the bad tomatoes from the basket. 我把篮子里的坏西红柿拣出来。

The examiners can pick on any student to answer questions.主考者可挑选任何学生来回答问题。

He was never one to pick and choose. 他从来不挑三拣四。

She picked some flowers from the garden. 她从花园里摘了一些鲜花。

pick and steal 扒窃 pick apart 把??撕成碎片,拆散 教师备课资源 pick at 扯,拉 pick off摘去 pick over挑出来 pick with偶然和(某人)相识 【高考链接】 (2012·四川高考) It's surprising that your brother Russian so quickly—he hasn't lived there very long.

A.picked up B.looked up C.put up D.made up

【解析】 句意:令人惊奇的是,你的弟弟如此快就学会说俄语了——他在那儿生活的时间并不长。本题考查动词短语辨析。pick up意为“(无意之间、偶然地)学会”;look up意为“(在书籍中)查找”;put up意为“张贴;搭建”;make up意为“构成;编造”。

【答案】 A

写出下列句子中pick up的意思

①She was ill for a long time but is picking up now. ②My old car only picks up speed going down a hill. ③The taxi stopped to pick up the person waiting there. ④I managed to pick up the news over the radio.

⑤When living in England,he picked up some English. 【答案】 ①康复 ②加速 ③接载 ④接收(节目) ⑤偶然学会 3.wear off逐渐减少,逐渐消失

If Callum's American accent has worn off,it has disappeared.(教材P7)如果卡勒姆的美国口音消失了,那就失去了他的特点。

The brightness of the paint has worn off a little. 油漆的光泽有些磨损了。 Your sorrow will wear off in time. 日子久了,你的悲哀是会逐渐消失的。

wear out用旧;穿破;使累垮 wear away 磨损;消磨;流逝 wear down磨损;使疲劳;使厌烦

He wore out two pairs of shoes last year. 去年他穿坏了两双鞋。

The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.成千上万的参观者把台阶踏得磨损了。

The inscription has worn away.那碑文被磨平消失了。


①痛苦正逐渐减少。 The pain is . ②辛苦的工作使我筋疲力尽。 I'm by the hard work. 【答案】 ①wearing off ②worn down/out

4.I'm getting on just fine,now that I understand the local accent.(教材P7)由于我懂得当地方言,所以一切都很顺利。

now that属于连词词组,引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”,相当于since。 Now that I am well again,I can go on with my work. 既然我恢复了健康,就可以继续工作了。 Now that everyone is here,let's begin now. 既然大家都来了,咱们就开始吧。





④ for也可表示原因,它表示的原因用来作附加说明,为前面的事实提供一种推断的理由。for引起的句子一般放于句末。

I do it because I like it.我做这件事是因为我喜欢。

We must start early,for it will take two hours to drive to the airport. 我们得早点动身,因为开车去机场得花两个小时。 Since it is so hot,let's go swimming. 既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。

用because/since/now that/as/for填空
