
摘 要

摘 要




关 键 词:图像去噪;基元表示;OMP;K-SVD;稀疏编码




Image denoising is to remove the noises from a given observed noisy image. This paper mainly concentrates on how to remove Gaussian noises and pepper noises based on image sparse representation. Based on the characteristics of Gaussian noises and pepper noises, we learned and proposed the sparse representation based denoising model and algorithms to achieve image denoising.

Firstly, we learn and investigate the sparse representation based Gaussian noise removal. The main idea is to represent the image by the local sparse linear combination over a dictionary of basis, and then OMP and K-SVD methods are used to optimize the deduced energy function. In implementation, the dictionary of basic can be set as constant or learned adaptively from the noisy images. We implemented this model and applied it to Gaussian noise removal.

Secondly, we investigate the pepper noise removal based on image sparse representation. We find that, the traditional sparse representation model cannot handle the pepper noise removal problem perfectly. In this paper, we propose a novel weighted sparse representation model to remove the pepper noises, which uses the dictionary of DCT basis and optimize it by OMP algorithm. Experiments show that this proposed method can accurately remove pepper noises with much higher Peak Signal to Noises Ratio (PSNR).

KEY WORDS: Image denoising;Dictionary learing;OMP;K-SVD;Sparse coding



目 录

1 绪论 .................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................................... 1 1.2 本文主要研究工作 .................................................. 2 2 基于稀疏线性表达的高斯噪声去噪模型 .................................... 4 2.1 模型介绍 .......................................................... 4 2.1.1 局部块上建立去噪模型 ........................................... 4 2.1.2 图像整体上建立去噪模型 ......................................... 5 2.2 模型优化求解 ...................................................... 6 2.2.1 采用DCT基元组优化模型 ......................................... 6 2.2.2 全局学习基元组优化模型 ......................................... 7 2.2.3 自适应学习基元组优化模型 ....................................... 7 2.3 迭代求解算法 ...................................................... 8 3 基于稀疏线性表达的椒盐噪声去噪模型 .................................... 2 3.1 模型的建立 ........................................................ 2 3.2 模型优化求解 ...................................................... 3 3.3 迭代求解算法 ...................................................... 5 4 实验 .................................................................. 6 4.1 高斯噪声去噪实验 .................................................. 7 4.2 椒盐噪声去噪实验 .................................................. 8 5 结论与展望 ........................................................... 10 参考文献 ............................................................... 11 附 录 ................................................................. 12 致 谢 ................................................................. 25



